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We leave, we die, we're such a pityful kind.

-We get scared. Death and dark are the things that scare us. And it's pity because we are such an extraordinary kind. We evolved and got 'better' as they say. Our kind, human kind, we take our family in vain, we don't thinnk what we do. But they lied, we are no better than animals. We are even worse. Humans never learnt that betrayal is wrong. We never understood that we are suppost to stay. How will we ever find joy in this world if the only thing we do is run away from it? Joy is found in ourselves, but it's found by other people. We just need time before we die to find the right person who will get that joy out of the dark, even if the person itself is afraid of the darkness. We all hide skeletons of our lies in our closets. But at the end, aren't we all sad?-

Michael woke up late that day. He was worse than usual, his body weaker. He knew what it meant. That day he was sure death was trying to sneak up on him. It was always a step behind him, staring at him, waiting in the darkness. The boy didn't know what scared him more ; Darkness or Death. He didn't want to know anyway.

His eyes wandered around the room, looking for a blonde, who was usually in his arms, where he belonged.  He couldn't find him. 

''Luke?'' he called. Not a sound. And he was afraid. He could hear music in the living room and he prayed it was Luke, sitting on the couch, listening to a song and not doing anything particular, because he waited for Michael to wake up. But when Michael got into the living room there was no sight of the nineteen year old boy he loved. The Man by Ed Sheeran played over and over again, Michael just didn't understand. He went back to the room, opening the wardrobe, where all he saw was his clothes. Although, his blue hoodie that Luke wore was missing, along with everything that belonged to the blonde. he was gone. 

Michael searched over the house for a note. Anything, he needed an explanation. And when he was about to give up, there was a small note sticked on the tv, where the song still replayed, over and over. Always the same song. The handwriting was messy, obviously the blind boys, written on a green sticky note. Michael took it off and sat on the couch.

Remember when we met and I said there was an Ed Sheeran song for every moment in our lives? This time it's stuck somewhere between The Man and Nina.

Goodbye, love, not yours, Luke Hemmings

Michael sinked into the couch, his heart beating faster. His breathing was wrong and he was numb. He just stayed like that 'till he couldn't think. But all he did was think. He maybe swallowed a bottle of pills Luke accidentaly left. Michael was happy he did. It was easier that way. He decided to dial Lukes phone. It switched to the secretary.

,,Hey Luke, I fucking love you. You left me like this and all I can do is pick up my personal pieces. I'm sick, I'm dying and you're blind. You're actually blind and blind of my feelings. I'm going to the hospital now. I feel horrible. I think the pills are working. I love you.'' he mumbled into the phone. And the pills really kicked in. And Death sneaked up from his back.  

-Death was light on her feet when she came. Her black appearance kneeled down over the poor body that was getting colder by each second. She picked up his soul as her baby, dragging it out of the lifeless body. Michael always thought Death was bad and mean. Death was an Angel who brought and carried souls from the world. It was truly a curse of hers, having to watch all of that. Death was like a sad mother, watching the souls suffer without being able to help, she observed and waiting sadly.-

Luke just came at his and Calums place. He was about to come inside when he realized he has a voice message on his phone. So he played it. He listened to the weak, muttering voice and he felt like breaking. He screamed. He banged his hand against the door and Calum opened to see him crying. ''Take me to the hospital.'' he muttered as a comand.

Calum swiftly said yes and he and Luke were soon enough in his car driving. Calum knew it was Michael. Nothing else could of been. He was worried as well, he already phoned Ashton and Genevieve to go to the hospital from work. The drive was silent and all Luke did was shiver lightly, his nails bitten down, his mind flying off to Michael.

They were a street away from the hospital when it happened. A truck driver was trying to go through the cross road although they had advantage of driving first (the right side). 

-Death was devastated. She took the second lover in her hands, leaving one soul behind the car wreck. It was hard for her, seeing the sight she did. It appeared as they died for eachother. She looked at the two small souls in her arms and wrapped them closer around the white orbs of the souls, keeping them warm like their bodies used to be. She simply carried them off in a fully different world where they get to have their little forever where they will never be sad again.-

[so this is the last chapter. I dunno when will i write the epilouge, but it will be when i get ready for it. this was rather hard to write. I just wanted to express it the way I wanted and not a word that was in my head was skipped. I hope you enjoyed the story, and that you're not dissapointed. i have to thank all of you for the reads, that are currently on 1. 8K which is fricking amazing. i cannot thank you all enough. I love you all.]

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