Chapter 1

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Male:Doctor Yongsun there transferring you to a different hospital.

Yongsun:What am I dealing with now? (Grabs the folder)

Male:Patient name is 444 also know as Moonbyul or Moon. She has a son who is seven years old. She in the psych ward. She locked in her room 24 hours and wears a straight jacket. All the other doctors were scared of her and they immediately quit on the spot. Your there last hope. Please don't go.

Yongsun(scoffs):I'm leaving. Listen here okay? I'm a Lesbian. L-E-S-B-I-A-N. So fuck off. (Leaves)

Yongsun was walking to her car and her men open the door and she got into the car. They headed towards the psych ward and Yongsun walked inside. Every patient was staring at her and she gently smiled at them before heading to the room. She noticed the big warning on the door before entering. Two guards immediately walked in with Yongsun. They cut on the lights and the guards immediately aimed there weapons at Moonbyul who was standing in the corner smirking.

Moon:You know I can kill you all in the heartbeat right.

Yongsun:That won't be necessary.

Moon(dashes in front of Yongsun):Get out!

Yongsun(stands up and stares into Moons eyes):Make me. Guards leave I got this.

Male:We can't leave you alone with this devil.

Yongsun:Get out now!

Yongsun pushed both of them out and Moonbyul grabbed a chair and sat down. Yongsun did the same and started writing on her clipboard.

Yongsun:Let's start simple. Tell me your name.


Yongsun:Hm tell me about yourself.

Moon(stares at Yongsun):Sorry Doctor Yongsun I'm not telling you anything.

Yongsun:My name is Solar. I'm from Daegu South Korea. I don't have any kids and I broke up with my boyfriend who's a guard. See simple. Your turn.

Moon(sighs and closes eyes):We don't want to talk to some stupid doctor.

Yongsun(thinks):I have no choice. (Looks at Moon) Okay Moon. You leave me no choice. (Puts hair in ponytail and sits in Moonbyuls lap) Well?

Moon(stares):My name is Moonbyul. I have a son who's seven. I'm not dating anyone. I killed five people in this place and I'm willing to do it again.

Yongsun:Are you threatening me?

Moon:Your too close to me. I will murder you(carefully pushes Yongsun off) Now get out.

Solar:Our conversation isn't over.

Moon(Covers her ears and closes her eyes and walks to the corner):Get out! Your making them mad!

Solar:I'm n-

Moonbyul dashed towards Solar with incredible speed holding a needle and almost jamming it into Solar neck; the guards immediately rush and hit Moonbyul with an dart to her neck. Moonbyul fell down pretending to be knocked out. Once everyone was hovering over she grabbed the guard and slammed her thumbs into the guard eyes. Moon stood up and sat on the of the guard pushing her thumbs deeper into his eyes. Everyone backed up scared, even Yongsun. She never witnessed this before. More guards came in and aimed there guns at Moon. Moonbyul stared and climb to the ceiling looking at them. Before the guards to shoot Youngsun stopped them and held a picture of Moonbyul son to her.(Picture will be at the end of the chapter) Moonbyul frozed and started at Solar.

Patient 444Where stories live. Discover now