Chapter 3

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Moonbyul followed Yongsun into the kitchen but as soon as the lights turned on Moonbyul dropped onto her knees and covered her eyes. Moonbyul eyes started to water as she covered herself screaming "I didn't do it" over and over. Yongsun immediately hugged Moonbyul wrapping one arm around Moonbyuls waist and the other on the back of her head.

Yongsun:Moonbyul look at me your okay!

Moonbyul:I didn't do it! I didn't do it!

Yongsun(makes Moonbyul stare at her):Your okay your okay! Your safe Moon breathe please. For m- Seokjin, breathe.

Moonbyul(Breathes slowly while looking at Yongsun):I didn't do it...

Yongsun:Didn't do what Moonbyul?

Moonbyul:Kill them. It wasn't me.

Yongsun:Your scaring Seokjin please relax. These are just lights okay? They don't do anything. They just m-

Seokjin:Help see in the dark Appa. It's okay I promise. (Holds Moonbyuls hands) one step at a time.

Moon(stands up and takes a deep breath):Did I scare you? I'm sorry.

Seokjin:It's okay your learning and yes you scared me a little.

Solar:You can wait in the room while your father and I cook okay? I promise your father is safe.

Moon:I'm okay son I promise I'm still learning. Just go relax okay?

Seokjin:Okay Appa. (Leaves)

Solar:Moonbyul let's do something before we cook. Try to focus on me okay? Just breathe and relax. Try to think positive before doing something. For example look at this knife.

Moon(looks at the knife then Solar):I can't.

Solar:You want to harm me don't you?

Moonbyul immediately grabbed the knife and placed it on Yongsun skin. Yongsun fell into the ground and Moonbyul was hovering over her with the knife on Solars neck. Moonbyul didn't hurt Solar it just surprised her how quick Moonbyul moved. Solar thought her head hit the ground but Moonbyul hand protected Solar head from hitting the ground. Solar noticed and stared at Moonbyul. Moonbyul stood up and placed the knife down but then threw it towards the door. A figure fell to the ground dying instantly. Moonbyul walked to the figure and grabbed the body. The body slowly disappeared while in Moons hand. She opened a portal and dropped the body in the portal and closed it.

Moon:Safe huh? Seems like you have guards everywhere.

Solar(Shocked):Moon I seriously didn't know.

Moon(Takes a deep breath):Let's just cook.

Yongsun started to get scared of Moonbyul little by little. She slowly started to show Moonbyul how to cook. After breakfast Yongsun wanted to get to know Seokjin more.

Yongsun:If it's alright I would love to get to know Seokjin more. If it's alright with you Moonbyul.

Seokjin:Is it okay Appa? In return we can learn more about Yongsun.

Moon(stares):Fine. What do you want to know?

Solar:I'm asking him not you. He's old enough to answer some of my questions

Moonbyul:You wanna die? Don't get smart with me.

Solar(stands up and walks to Moonbyul):Listen here. You win okay?! I'm scared of you. Have it your way. I'll just raise Seokjin myself and bring you back to that shit hole.

Solar walked off and Moonbyul watched. Yongsun grabbed her car keys and started to pack Moonbyul stuff. While packing Moons stuff Moonbyul immediately pinned Yongsun to the wall making her drop her keys. Moonbyul stared at Yongsun and slowly dropped to her knees. Moonbyul gently placed her head on Yongsuns stomach.

Moonbyul:Please l. I don't want to go back. I'll do better I promise. I didn't mean to scare you. Please don't go.

Yongsun:Your lying Moonbyul.

Moonbyul(doesn't move):I can't lie to you for some reason Yongsun. My son took a liking to you. Please. I can't go back. If I do I will kill every single body in the shithole and escape. We don't want that do we? Hm Kim Yongsun? Do we really want me away? I can protect you from harm. Don't let me go. Please...

Solar noticed that Moonbyul wasn't lying at all. She looked at Moonbyul and lifted her head up causing Moonbyul to stand up. Yongsun slowly wrapped her arms around Moonbyuls neck and put the leash on Moonbyul. Moonbyul immediately let go of Yongsun and stared at her. Moonbyul body didn't move, she didn't even blink. Yongsun gently tugged on the leash smirking while staring at Moon.

Solar:Are you under my command now?


Solar:Just be honest with me. Do you want to pretend your dating me or go back to that shit hole.

Moon:Pretend I'm dating you.

Solar(tries not to smile):Kiss me then.

Moonbyul immediately grabbed Yongsun neck and started to kiss her deeply. Yongsun gripped on Moonbyul shirt while holding the leash. Moonbyul picked Yongsun up still having her against the wall not breaking the kiss.

Seokjin(Shocked):Appa! What are you doing?

Moon:Aren't you supposed to be eating? (Carefully puts Solar down)

Solar(turns slightly red):Seokjin let's go back and finish eating and get to know each other more Hm?

Seokjin:Ne. (Walks to the table and finish eating)

Solar(looks at Moon):Let's go Hm

Moon(sits at the table and eats):Go ahead.

Seokjin(bows):Hello. My name is Kim Seokjin. I'm seven years old and my birthday is December 4th. My favorite color is purple and blue. My favorite toy is the toy truck my dad got me. My favorite song is OMG by New Jeans Noonas.

Solar:You are just adorable.

Seokjin:Your turn.

Solar:My name is Kim Yongsun. I'm 26 years old. My birthday is February 21. My favorite color(looks at moon and gently bits her bottom) Red. I don't have a favorite toy but if I had to choose I would say my rubber duck I kept as a child. Favorite song that's a tuff one. Fine by Taeyeon.

Seokjin:I don't feel too good Appa.

Seokjin immediately threw up his food in the trash can and apologized to Solar. The truth is his mom gave him an eating disorder which made him skinny the way he is. He climbed onto moons lap and laid his head on Moon. Moonbyul gently held Seokjin close and touched his stomach and immediately healed him. Moon wiped away the disorder and gently rub her sons back.

Moon:Park please.

Solar:Okay let's go

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