Chapter 8

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Moonbyul started at Yongsun with heart eyes she begun to talk.

Yongsun:Here are majors things you need to know about me. I have a younger sister. My parents are divorced. My mother passed away and my dad is somewhere really don't care. I'm heavily into music. I love singing and dancing. I want to be married and settled. I want to have kids. I like dating someone who's pays attention to me who loves me for me. I love someone who doesn't mind me cuddling them who doesn't mind the kids sleeping with us.

Moon(stares at Solar actually focusing on her for the first time):Well at least I have good memory then. How about when you want to get married?

Solar:As long as the person understands me and wants me for me I'm okay really. No rush to get married but I do what it. Like my wedding on a beach and a honeymoon in Paris. If I have kids I'll get a friend or someone to watch them. Plus I want a family business too. Me my husband or wife and kids all working together like a family. I can do designing things. My husband or wife can do what they do and the kids can be in charge of the kids department. I know it may seems like at lot but that's all I e-

Moonbyul:That isn't a lot. Most women want that. I understand that. I'll make that happy for you.

Irene:Moonbyul I'm curious about you. What do you want in life?

Moon(looks down):Never thought about it. All I've ever thought about was getting to my kids. Now that I got them, that's all I want. I just want my kids to be happy. I want them to experience things that I thought I could never do. They're outside having fun with other kids instead of hiding inside now. Their in school learning not only that their fucking gifted it. My kids are the opposite of me, their so sweet and innocent to stuff. I've never really been introduced to relationships stuff after going into the ward. So I didn't remember anything sexual once I got out.

Irene:Hiw did you get into the Ward if you don't mind me asking.

Solar(Looks at Irene and shakes her head)

Moonbyul immediately covered her eyes and shut her eyes tight but she felt something touch her which made her calm down immediately. She opened her eyes while breast heavily and saw it was Solar. Solar gently rubbed Moonbyul leg and gave her a soft smile.

Irene:I'm sorry I didn't k-

Moon(staring at Solar):It was an accident. These people was trying kill my dad. They jumped him and killed him while he was protecting me. I took the blame. I had the murder weapon in my hand. I tried telling them I didn't do it. They didn't believe me even though I was young. I grew angry at the cops and the people who killed my dad. Me being young I didn't understand anything. So I killed each officer that brought it up. I escaped and killed every single one of them who jumped my father. They shoved me in the ward and beat me. Once I turned into a teen they forced me into school. Last year I had the twins. I murder more people who asked about my dad and who asked about my kids. That's why I cover my ears when people ask me how did I end up there. That's why I scream I didn't do it when someone flashes the light on. They would flash the lights on me to make me say I did it. (Looks down)So I never loved again and only focused on my kids.

Irene(tears falling):Wow Moonbyul I'm sorry I- I- really didn't know (wipe tears)

Moonbyul(carefully hugs Irene):It's okay.

Seulgi:I'm glad your getting better MoonStar.

Moonbyul:Yea me too.

Guy:What's your name?

Solar:W-who me?


Solar:Just Doctor.

Guy:You dating anyone?

Solar:I am. I have to kids as well.

Guy:Where's your boyfriend?

Solar:Planning ways to kill you.

The guy grew angry and grabbed Yongsun.

Guy:Stop bullshiting me you bitch.

Moonbyul immediately pushed the guy away from Solar. The guy pushed Moonbyul back causing her to fall down but she stood up. Seokjin and Jisoo noticed and ran towards there Moonbyul. The guy grabbed Jisoo and was about to throw her until Seokjin stabbed the guy in the neck with a pencil. Seokjin shoved the pencil really deep into his neck causing him to let go of Jisoo. Seokjin shielded Jisoo behind him. Moonbyul and Seulgi tackled the guy on the ground but Moonbyul lost herself for a second a she started shoving her thumbs into the guys eyes. The guy died while Moonbyul was doing that. Moonbyul realized what she just did after dropping the body into a portal. She looked around and noticed everyone staring at her. Moonbyul started to have flashbacks of that night which made her tear up and cover her ears. Yongsun immediately hugged Moonbyul and made her look at her.

Yongsun:I'm not sending you back you understand me. You did nothing wrong. You just protected your family. I promise your okay. Breathe.

Moonbyul:I- I- I killed him... infront of kids. I-I- I did it.... I- I killed him Yongsun (tears fall) infront of kids.. I- I- I didn't mean to. I'm s-sorry.

Yongsun(Shocked and pulls Moonbyul into another hug):No! Shhh your okay your okay.

Moonbyul:I'm a murder.

Irene:No your not. Your kids don't think so. You just showed your son how to defend his love ones. He just stabbed a guy to protect his sister. He put himself at risk to make sure she lives to see another day.

Seulgi:Yeah man don't blame yourself.

Jisoo(runs and hugs Moonbyul):Appa! I was so scared. Seokjin saved me.

Seokjin(Hugs Moonbyul while crying):Appa! Your okay! Omma your okay

Solar:Why are you crying?

Seokjin:Because your going to take Appa back to the ward!

Jisoo(Starts to cry):Aniyo! Appa!

Solar:Wait no. I'm never taking Appa back! I won't do that to him.

Twins(stops crying):W-why?

Solar(places hand on Moonbyul cheek):He saved our lives. I can't send him back for that. I can't send him back knowing he's going to miss you. You both are going to miss him. And that um... well I'm going to miss him.

Moon(Looks at Solar):W-what?

Solar:Theses passed few weeks of me getting to know you made me grow well develop feelings for you. Knowing that your kids trust me and likes me really makes me feel special. The way you wanted to get to know me. The way you stay focused on me. I can't say the other things because of kids but they way you make me feel. I get so happy around you. Moonbyul I don't want to pretend I'm dating you... I want to actually date you.

Moonbyul (Mind):Act a Fool .Act a Fool. Act a Fool.

Solar:Please Moonbyul. Let me give you that chance of real love is please. Let me show you that.

Moonbyul:What if I mess up?

Solar:It's okay to mess up. We learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward.

Moon(stares at Solar):Let's give it a try.


Seulgi:Yeah Irene how about you and I should try.

Irene(turns red):Ne. I'll like it.

Moonbyul:Kids tell your friends to come over okay.

Twin(smiles heavily and does a little dance):Yay okay!

Moonbyul(hugs Solar):I'm still learning.

Solar:I'm here to help.

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