Chapter 2

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Moonbyul carefully put her son in the car and looked up at the sky. Moonbyul looked around and saw someone staring at her. Moon tried to attack them but Yongsun had a grip on Moons leash. She got into the car and drove to Yongsun place. They got out and unpacked everything before taking a rest. Seokjin ran into his room got on his bed and immediately fell asleep. Moonbyul haven't been in a bed in years. She tucked her son in and kiss his forehead. Even though his older Moonbyul haven't been around to do anything with him and she felt so bad. She gently kept touching her sons head while gently saying "Mian" "I'm sorry". Yongsun stares from a far and watched Moon leave the room leaving the door creacked. Yongsun sat at her laptop and kept doing her work and sent how's everything was going to her boss. Moonbyul never moved from the one spot which was the corner of the room. Moonbyul sat in the corner and faced the wall. Moonbyul head slowly landed on her kness and Yongsun walked to Moon and stood behind her.

Yongsun:Come on. Into bed you go. Your sharing a room with me. I have clothes for you but first you should shower and get more comfortable.

Moonbyul(stands up and faces Solar):Fine.

Moonbyul followed Yongsun into the bedroom then into her bathroom. Moon saw a pair a scissors and grabbed them. She immediately went straight for Yongsun and gently let the tip of the scissors touch Yongsun neck.

Moonbyul:I will kill you in a flash if you try anything. Bring a guard or guards I'll kill them. Do you understand?

Yongsun(Takes a deep breath):Yes. But you need to understand something. (Take the scissors from Moonbyul) Your under my control now. You have to follow my orders and you'll be fine. Now get undress and enter the shower.

Moonbyul:What about my leash?

Yongsun:Hm? (Takes it off) Your not a dog Moonbyul. Now get undressed.

Moonbyul:You know I'm different right?

Yongsun:I've seen a penis before Moonbyul. Shower now.

Moonbyul:I bet you seen plenty. (Gets undressed and turns on the shower)

Yongsun(Sits in the chair and faces Moon):Whatsbthat supposed to mean? Calling me a whore?

Moonbyul:Your a doctor Yongsun. You see dicks all of time. Plus you had a boyfriend. (Starts to shower)

Yongsun:First off. That was a long time ago. Second I don't see penis at work like that. Again I'm a lesbian. I like girls.

Moonbyul(Turns to Yongsun):Seriously? Who would've know that the doctor is a lesbian.

Yongsun(glances at Moons dick then back a Moon):So your wearing a strap on?

Moonbyul:I am but I could use my powers to turn it real.

Moonbyul slowly touched the strap on and it turned into a real penis. Yongsun eyes landed on penis and she immediately crossed her legs feeling horny all of a sudden. Not because of the penis, it's because of Moons body. Her eyes, her neck, her chest her abs, the way the water was running down her body. Yongsun crossed her legs a little tighter as her imagination started to get more wild. Moon turned and saw Yongsun legs crossed and her eyes closed. Moon could tell Yongsun energy was getting intense. Moon didn't know what to do since she haven't had sex in a very long time. The way Yongsun looked in Moonbyul eyes was something Moon every thought of. Moon had this hunger to kill Yongsun but to please her but she didn't know what to do. Moon immediately shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

Yongsun:Have you ever had since you been in that place?

Moon(eyes still closed):No I haven't. I just jerk off.

Yongsun:Have you ever had a craving to pleasure someone?

Moon:I know that your doing. The answers is a hardcore no.

Yongsun:I wasn't going to say anything. Just if you wanted to go to a strip club.

Moon:I rather spend time with my son instead of a whole bunch of women naked and twerking. I'm fine.

Yongsun:Moon your hard as hell. Might want to fix that.

Moonbyul:You can't call me Moon. I know I'm hard I can't help it. You said sex and I got hard.

Yongsun(gets undressed and joins Moonbyul in the shower):Yeah I know.

Moon:What are you doing? You know I want to kill you.

Yongsun:Then kill me. (Looks at Moon)

Moon:You know I'm a dangerous person Yongsun. Your a doctor. You have sex with all your patients?

Yongsun:Not all. Just you if you want it.

Moon:I haven't done this in a long time.

Yongsun:Let me help you then. Just touch me. Let your hands roam okay?

Moon:Just don't touch me.

Yongsun:That's no fair. At least let me kiss you.

Moon didn't say anything but just stared at Yongsun. Yongsun wrapped her arms around Moons neck and started to kiss her. Moon stood there shocked not kissing back. Moonbyuls body suddenly started to feel different. Moon felt her hands slowly going on Solars waist and slowly started kissing her back. Moon felt so turned on couldn't control herself. Moonbyul fingers slowly rubbed Solars clit. Solar gripped on Moonbyuls shoulder while softly moaning. Moon put her middle finger and her ring finger inside of Yongsun and started to finger her. Yongsun took a deep breath and gripped on Moons wrist. Yongsun leaned her head back in pleasure are starting moaning a little louder then before. Moon closed her eyes feeling and hearing Yongsun that wet made her mind go while. Moonbyul started kissing Yongsun neck while fingering her. Yongsun started moaning and close her eyes as her walls tightened. Moonbyul left hickies on Yongsun as she came into Moonbyul fingers. Yongsun faced turned as she cleaned herself off and exited the shower. Moonbyul followed looking at the clothes. Moon didn't know what anything was. She was forced to wear nothing but a straight jacket.

Yongsun(dressed):These are clothes. For you to be exact. Men clothes. Boxers, gray sweatpants and a black tshirt if you didn't want to wear a shirt that's fine to. Do you know how to put the clothes on?

Moonbyul:I'm not that stupid. (Gets dressed but slightly struggles with the pants) There too small.

Yongsun:You have them on backwards.

Moon(fixes pants):Oh s-sorry.

Yongsun:Let's get to cooking.

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