A New Dwelling.

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*A couple weeks later.*


I was still staying with Alyssa and Harry, but I felt like I was intruding. I began looking for a flat for myself a couple days ago. No use.

I laid on the soft duvet playing with my phone. I received a message from Edmon.

'Hey! I would like to have another check up today if possible. Please tell Zayn. Thank you!'

I let out a huge sigh. My finger skimmed over my phone screen. I haven't contacted Zayn since our incident. Though he has been checking up on me regularly. The home phone began to ring. No one was home except for me. I picked it up.




"Um, is Harry there?" Zayn's thick voice traveled through the phone.

"No. It's just me."

"Oh, okay."

"Zayn. Um, Edmon said to head into the office today for a check up. So, can you come?"

"Yeah! Yeah, I'll see you in 10."

"Okay. See you in 10."

I texted Edmon back and got ready.


"Okay, so how are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine."

"Have you been checking up on her, Zayn?"

"Every day."

"Good. Well, that's all. I just needed to know how you're doing."

"Okay. It's nice seeing you again, Edmon." I gave him a hug before I exited the office.

"Wait!" Zayn called me when I was already out of the building.


"How are you?"

"I said I was fine."

"Oh, that's right. Sorry. So, what have you been doing?"

"I've been looking at some flats lately, but none seem to be good enough."

"I could help you."

"No. It's fine."

"Please, Mindy. You keep shutting me out and I know you need me!" He was right.

"I don't need you, Zayn. I don't need anyone." I got in my car and headed back to Harry's.

I opened the door to the flat and found that I was once home alone again. My feet lead me to the emptiness of my room. It was plain, barely anything in the room really. The bed dented inward as my body laid against it. I gave a big sigh before I looked for more flats.

The heat of my laptop was instensely pressed against my lap. I took a break from looking and went on Tumblr. My phone vibrated against the soft duvet. 'Zaynie. ♡' I never really took the time to change his name.



"What do you want?" I was a bit too stern.

"Well, I found you a flat. It's quite nice. Do you want to see it?"

"Um, yeah sure. Where at?"

"It's actually across town, not that far from downtown though."

"That's good. Um, I'll meet you at your place and you take me?"

"Yeah! See you soon."


I got ready and headed to Zayn's. It was quite windy half way there, but it was too late. I knocked on the door. I couldn't believe it. Stacy opened up.

"Hey, is um Zayn there?"

"Why?" I could tell that she didn't like me.

"Look, I didn't do anything to you so I don't see why you're so rude."

"Oh, shut up! You know what you did."

"Hey! You ready?" Zayn came to the door.

"Yeah." He headed out to the car before I did.

"You better keep away from him, Mindy."


The car ride was quiet. A sudden hand rested on my thigh. I pushed it away, but it came back. This time I ignored it. Soon we arrived at this nice tall buliding.

"Is this it?" I asked.

"Yeah. C'mon." He lead me inside. It was beautiful. Everything I looked for, plus it was fully furnished.

"It's beautiful, Zayn." I was in awe.

"Guess what?" He walked to a curtain.


He pulled back the curtain to show a window wall. The sight was breath-taking. I couldn't believe it. I walked towards the incredible view.

"Isn't it amazing?"

"Yes! Thank you. How much is this?" I looked to Zayn.



"I paid for it. All of it."


"Because I still love you and I don't want you put more stress on you."

"Okay. But I don't know if I should take it. It's your's." I looked around.

"Please. Take it." Zayn held my hand.

"Okay." I whispered.

I wandered around the flat still in awe. The brick walls and that old feel to it. I loved it. Walking around the flat, I found new mysteries about the place. It made me love it even more.

I didn't know why Zayn was doing this for me. Though I was grateful. Stacy was just another obstacle that I needed to get over. What was she doing at Zayn's anyways? Were they getting together? My mind filled with all these bad thoughts as I roamed the flat.

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