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I awoke to a voice. Someone singing to be specific. The voice was coming from the shower. I sat up stretched my arms above my head and headed towards the bathroom. As I stepped in, the voice became louder. The steam stormed around me as I progressed. The shower stopped, but the singing didn't.

"Mindy?" I got to the shower.

"Oh my gosh. What are you doing in here?!" She was stunned.

"Where are you?" I still couldn't find her.

"Over here. Near the sink." I made my way over and found her.

"You woke me up. To answer your question." I snaked my arms around her waist and brought her closer to me.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry." Our faces were centimeters apart.

"Maybe you should do something to make it up." My head tilted sideways to get to her neck.

"Zayn." She whispered.

I started to kiss her starting from behind her ear down to her collar bones. Her towel slowly slid out of her hands and onto the tile floor. My hands were still around her waist as hers were in my hair. Her hands trailed down my chest to my waist band. She pulled it and let go. The snapping sound of the band made me hiss. Just as things were going to go further, someone was at the front door.

"Fuck." I mumbled into her skin.

She got dressed as I headed to the door agravated. There that person stood infront of me with a wide smile. Mindy yelled throughout the flat asking who it was, but I stood still unable to respond. The known stranger let themselves in without consent. Mindy finally came down. Her face was in shock when she saw who it was. Stacy.

"Wha-What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh, ya know just checking up on some friends." She gave a smirk.

"It's nice seeing you again." Mindy smiled and proceeded towards me.

"Yeah." Stavy kept eye contact with me. I could tell that Mindy was feeling a bit awkward by the way she stood next to me.

"I'm gonna go get something to drink. Do you want anything?"

"No, we're good. Thanks though." Stacy gave a fake smile.

Mindy left me alone with Stacy. I do have to say that I was a bit unsure why she was here and what she was going to do.  She walked towards the couch and began to sit. I sat across from her in a lounger.

"So have you told her yet?" She said a bit too loud.

"Be quiet." 

"I'll take that as a no. I guess I'll have to do it."

"No. Don't you dare tell her." My voice began to rise.

"And why not? You haven't. She MUST know."

"Must know what?" Mindy came in.

"Go on." Stacy looked at me.

"There's nothing going on." I told Mindy, but she looked over at Stacy.

"What's going on?" She asked Stacy.

"Well..." Stacy sang.

"Stop. Leave now." I pointed at Stacy.

"Fine." She raised her hands up as if she were innocent.

She let herself out. I stood there with so much guilt lingering around me. Mindy stepped closer to me. Her mouth was open to say something, but nothing. 

"What is going on, Zayn?" She looked me in the eyes.

"I-I can't tell you. Not yet." I held her shoulders.

"Why not?! What's so important and secretive that you can't tell your own girlfriend?! Tell me!" Tears filled her eyes. 

"I slept with Stacy!" There it was. The guilt of not telling her slowly started to fade away, but the guilt of cheating became even more dense.

She stood there still and silent. Tears were streaming down her face. The only movement she made was when she would wipe her tears away.

"Mindy. Please talk to me."

"Whe-When did this happen?" 

"The day word got around that you and Edmond were a thing... I'm not sure exactly." 

"Wow. Only a few weeks ago. That's great, Zayn! Anything else you wanna confess?!"

"Stop! I was drunk and I needed someone. I needed you!"

"Well that fucking best friend of yours isn't me. Now is it?!" She snapped.

"No. But it still doesn't mean that I don't love you."

"I don't know anymore, Zayn."

"Please. Just let me make it up to you. We still have the day to spend together." I grabbed her shoulders.

"I think I need some time alone first." She pulled away and headed back to the bedroom.

Mindy slowly disappeared. I stood there feeling like shit. 

"Fuck!" I threw a vase at the wall.

I felt tears stream down my face. I just got back her back and now I'm about to lose her for good.

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