Burning Mind PT 1

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Victor woke up and went to motostoke stadium to do the next part of the gym challenge.

Inside the stadium...

Victor: I got my uniform on so what's my gym test now?

Guide: You must earn a total of 5 points. You get one point by defeating the pokemon. Two points if you catch it. The gym trainers here will attempt to obstruct you from catching or defeating the pokemon.

Victor: Could I keep one of the Pokemon I catch here?

Guide: You may.

Victor chose to catch the Litwick( He named him Charles)

Victor had some trouble beating the gym but still passed.

After the test Victor went out to the field where the Fire type gym leader, Kabu, stood.

Kabu: Many consider my gym to be the first real roadblock in the gym challenge. Let's see if you are prepared for the rest of the challenge.

A/N Play the music above.

Kabu sent out Ninetales while Victor sent out Whispy (He added him to his team after Harry died.)

Ninetales sent out a Will-o'-wisp to burn Whispy. But Whispy used Rock tomb to deal some damage back.

Ninetales fainted

Kabu sent out Arcanine while Victor sent out Devon.

While Devon was intimidated by the Arcanine, two Bulldozes was enough to beat it.

Arcanine fainted

Kabu: (Focus, There may still be a chance at victory!)

Kabu gigantimaxes his last Pokemon,Centiskorch.

Victor sent out Nathan.

Victor: I'll just use dynam- OH C'MON NOT AGAIN!

Victor's dynamax band was glitching out again so he couldn't dynamax.

Kabu's Centiskorch used G-max Centiferno which nearly fainted Nathan but he held on.

Victor threw super potions at Nathan, healing him while the Gigantimax Centiskorch kept up his attacks.

After a while the Centiskorch lost its gigantimax energy. Victor's dynamax band stopped glitching so he dynamaxed Nathan.

Nathan unleashed a max airstream but that was not enough to take down the now normal sized Centiskorch.

Victor:(How bulky is that thing?)

But another max airstream was enough to beat the Centiskorch.

Centiskorch fainted.

Kabu: You have done well gym challenger so here is your fire badge.

Outside motostoke Hop was waiting for Victor.

Hop: Nice work now let's go to hammerlocke.

Bede: I'm surprised you two haven't given up yet.

Victor: You didn't have to say that.

Bede: You didn't have to fall on your face during the opening ceremony.

Hop: How about I show you that I earned those badges?

Bede: Very well.

While Hop battled Bede, Victor called a flying taxi to The isle of armor.

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