Burning Mind PT 2

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Returning to the dojo. Victor learns that None of the other students could find one max mushroom. Suddenly Avery bursts through the door covered in twigs and bruises. He was holding 3 Max mushrooms.

Avery: Master....I found the max mushrooms.

Mustard: Well done. It seems that you and Victor were the only ones who completed the trial. I'll tell you what the last trial is later. For now let's enjoy some max soup made by my wife.

Everyone dines on the max soup.


Mustard: Your last trial is a battle between the two of you. Whoever wins gets the armor.

Avery:........ I have to go now. Victor take all the time you need to get ready.

Avery left the room abruptly and heads to the battle court behind the dojo.

Mustard: Y'now Avery has talent but it caused him to slack off but you've lit a fire in him.

At the battle court Avery was meditating around a strange aura.

Victor: You getting ready?

Avery: I am now.

Mustard: Ready... GO

A/N Play the music above

Avery sent out a Galarian Ponyta while Victor sent out Leafy.

Victor felt something off about the battlefield and noticed odd swirls.

Avery: How do you like the Psychic terrain?

Victor: (😡Oh you dirty little-)

Leafy used magical leaf attacks against the Ponyta while enduring the psybeams.

Ponyta fainted.

Avery sent out swoobat while Victor sent out Vanilla.

Vanilla used Icicle spears to take that down.

Swoobat fainted.

Avery sent out Kadabra while Victor sent out Charles.

Charles used confuse ray on the Kadabra.

Avery: Are you alright Kadabra?

The Kadabra, still confused, was going to hit Charles but Victor swapped him out for Lola.

Lola used Bulldoze which took out the Kadabra.

Kadabra fainted.

After Kadabra was fainted the Psychic terrain was gone.

Avery sent out Galarian Slowbro while Victor sent out Cindy.

Avery dynamaxes his Slowbro while Victor does the same with Cindy.

Cindy used Max strike while the Slowbro used Max geyser. Rain began to fall after.

Slowbro acted first and due to the rain the Max geyser was boosted and fainted Cindy.

Cindy fainted.

Avery: I can't believe it I finally beat one of Victor's pokemon! I might have a chance at Victory after all!

Victor could only watch as Cindy's PokeBall shattered. He wanted to run away but something was keeping him.

???: Don't you dare.

Victor: (Cindy?!?)

Cindy: You came too far to give up now.

Victor sent out Owen.

The dynamax Slowbro used Max mindstorm but Owen endured the hit.
Owen retaliated with a rain boosted Water pulse.

Slowbro fainted.

Avery: Well Isn't that ironic. I do everything I can to beat you but I still fail. I'm probably going to be expelled from the Dojo because of what I did.

Mustard: Not quite. I know you wanted to win badly but cheating wasn't the way. For your punishment you must help out around the dojo for 6 months.

Avery: Okay ( That's pretty lenient)

Mustard: As for Victor, Tomorrow he shall receive the Secret armor.

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