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Its already been 50 years since you were born in this world and you are still a baby

But you are already able to walk ,talk a little and use small amount of magic

Throughout the years you also found out just like Malleus your birthday became a National Holiday

You also realized quite some differences with Malleus rising and Yours

Obviously Malleus was to be the next King but everyone knew Malleus was pretty strong

But still had some Guards around him

While as for you it seems everyone thought you were more vernable so they had your Palace Drained in Guards

It was annoying to say the least

But even so she had to live that way 

She also got a personal maid named "Marie"

She has red hair and blue eyes and is quite nice to others unless "insulting her"

and now here you were sitting in a small chair with Malleus as he drinks tea

You cleared your throat as you decided to speak

"So......Where is Nana?" you asked

"In a Meeting,.....She requsted we met here and waited for her" He said 

"Oh alright" you said as you took a sip from the small cup

You both just sat there in silence 

until you both heard the door open revealing Your Grandmother

"Hello Grandmother/Nana" You both said in sync as you bowed

"Nana?" She said in confusion

"whoops Apologies that was a small slip up" You said putting your head down

"It's Not that i dont mind but what does the word mean?" She asked lifting your head

"oh-well.....Its a short and affectionately term for Grandmother" You said

"Very well then,.....I'll allow it" She said taking a seat

"I Have a gift for you" She said looking at you

"yes?What is it?" You asked looking at her

"well it was mostly Malleus suggestion but I choose it" She said coughing

Malleus the suddenly took out a box and handed it to you

"What is this?" You said shaking almost hearing nothing

"Open it"She said waiting

You decided to take of the white ribbon one the box and open it

You took out a black bunny with white lace around it

You took out a black bunny with white lace around it

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𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒-(Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now