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"What a Mess"
No no no

Why is this happening?!

Since you were practically staying here for 2 weeks

You were given a free pass to get lunch at the cafeteria whenever the students go

So you went in got some food

And while you were on your way to sit with Lilia and the group you were suddenly stopped by Yuu who recognized you imidately

They asked you to come and sit with them

You were about to say no one Lilia pop out of nowhere and said it was fine they are good people

and now you were here sitting next to you as they introduced everyone to you

"And Last This is Grim" They said

"Nyahaha! My henchmen!"

"I'm not your Henchmen!" Yuu said shoving a piece of fish in his mouth

"Hahaha..." You laughed a little seeing their interaction

You started to each when you realize Ace and Deuce watching you

"May I help you?" You asked

"A-Ah no-"

"Are you a girl?" Ace interrupted

"You can't just ask that from someone!" Deuce said whispering while elbowing him

"Yea I am but why should that matter?" You said

"Sorry it's just this is an all boys school I was surprised to see a girl here" He said

"Oh that's because I'm staying here for a few weeks actually My Brother goes to school here so Crowley allowed it" you said

"Oh really? And who could your brother be to have enough power to let you stay here?" Ace asked

What's with him

"I can't tell you since it's classified information " you said

"Hm~ alright " he said smirking at you

"Hey Asami,-" you said taking you off guard

"Asami?" You said in question

"You said I could call you anything so that's my name for you" they said

"Oh that's fine I was just taken aback " you smiled

"Thank goodness " they said

"So,....Would you like to come with us to a challenge fight?" Yuu said

Oh it's already here

"What type of fight is it?" You said

"Well Ace and Deuce challenged their Dorm Leader Riddle to his seat" they said

"Oh a Dorm Leader challenge,Sure why not" you said

This was working even better for you

"Great See you in a few! Meet me were we met again last night!" Yuu said

"Wait last night?" Deuce said

"Yea we met yesterday" Yuu said

"Ahem! ANYWAYS I'll meet you there" you said getting up and leaving

"Alright,Stay safe " they said waving you off as you ran out the Cafeteria

It's coming.......

The first overbolt is coming.....

So soon.......

No worries you will be ready to support but also hold back on your power to make sure no one know who you are and that they stay safe

Only if things get worse will you start to go full power

But until now you need to finish preparing for this

You waited all your life for this moment ......

The moment the main story will start to get real

"Let's do this"you said running off
(Meanwhile at an Unknown Location)

"This doesn't make sense!" The person yelled

"Why out of all people did mother choose her to be reincarnated?! What's so special?! What can she do to help the main character " he said smashing the mirror

"What is her connection to this world?!" He said gripping on the broken mirror shards

"No.....maybe" he looked over at the two portraits

One of the Main character Yuu

And the other one was Y/n

But the strange thing about them is that they Mirror each other

Yuu in the Light

And Y/n as the Darkness

"Maybe she is instead Connected to them?" He said looking at the painting of the Goddess

"Tell me mother...."

The man said revealing his appearance to be exactly that of the Goddess

"What is your plan for this story?...."

𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒-(Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now