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Hello everyone! I know I know it's been SOOOOO long since I last update and I'm sure many of you feared I was gonna drop it

Put lemme tell you! I'm not it's just College had been hard and My finals are here for this week and the next 2 weeks

With that being said I want to discuss the future of this story

For starts I will go through a huge evaluation and re- write/edit/ add more things to make the story make more sense after chapter 7 part 6 being released yesterday

And with that being said I would also like to explain a few things that will change it will happen in the future

Chapter 2 will also be very short because I'm not sure how to involve well our reader

But with that being said I will like to also add that for Arcs/Chapters 3,4 (maybe 5) , and 6 I will instead write a one summary chapter on what Reader did while all this happened(because I know there is almost no way for reader to me added without it feeling out of place)

I also after writing chapters and one shots for 3,4 once we are in chapter 5 the story will take a turn LMAO- like a surprising turn but that's for you guys to find out once I release it

With that being said yes by the end of this month I plan to update all of Chapter 2, and Summary one Shots of 3 and 4 so I can write 5 by next year

Until then please be patient with me I promise I'll update this and my other books but this one is my current priority and don't be surprised if you get an update notification but it isn't an update it's just what had been edited to past chapters!

Until then thank you all for the support I never thought this work would get this much attention and I truly appreciate it

𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒-(Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now