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"The Crimson Tyrant Part II"
Riddle laughed like a mad man as he threw a tree at Yuu 

You quickly grabbed them and took them from where they were

"We must evacuate everyone from here!" Said Crowley as he signed all the student's to follow him

Suddenly Ace used his wind magic mixing it with Grim's fire as Deuce summoned a cauldron smashing Riddle

"What are you doing?!" Cater said as Crowley gawked at them

"Listen If Riddle stay's in his overbolt for too long he will lose his life! We need to get him back to his senses or knock him out!" You said putting an ice shield as he through more tree's

"but we need to wait for staff, the dorm leader and -ahem we cant stay here!"Crowley said trying to avoid what he was about to say 

"Then what? By the time they arrive it will be too late! Go and do what you gotta do but I will stay!" You yelled throwing a tree back at him shocking everyone

"That's right! And he still needs to apologize" Said Ace as Grim and Deuce joined while Yuu started to Order them around

You turned one last time to look at Trey and Cater

"Look if you want to evacuate or wait for help to arrive be my guest,But by the time they get here it will be too late Riddle is suffering! Look I know its dangerous and we can die but you act like we dont know that already Ive already fought people who overbolted before and won! So it's your choice Trey you either abandon him again or Fight to bring him back and scold him" You said running back to the fighting scene to help

What your said was true except fighting overbolt before that's a white lie You did technically did when you were Y/n in past life in the game but this is real life meaning more dangerous!

and so ignoring Crowley, Trey ran to were the group was and started to help

Cater who was conflicted in the end also went

"oh no...."Crowley cried as he looked over at the group

Yuu and Y/n were leading the group mainly Yuu with leadership skill's

Cater and Trey were defense

While the Trio were offense

and as for You,

Despite helping Yuu give order's you were also playing both defense and offense

Not only that Your magic was being held back by two bracelet shackles on your wrist




That was the 50th time you destroyed something on accident while learning to control magic

"No,No,NO! Princess take this more seriously!" Yelled the teacher at you

"But....I am I cant control it!" you said looking at the now destroyed again "Briar Rose Castle" aka your home aka your mother's old castle

The Briar Castle is the castle pass down to every generation Princess

Unless there are more then they live in this castle until they are of age to create a new one for themselves

But since you were the only Princess it meant it was your's forever

But right now you were being yelled at by the teacher you hate after destroying it again after they forced you to hit a target that was literally in front of the place

"I can just fix it!" You said almost at the brink of crying since you hate being yelled at

Quickly waving you wand the castle was back in one piece

You would expect this to just stop the teacher and clam down

But no, They kept yelling at you

"I cant believe Your Lord Malleus Sister! Your a disgrace to the Draconia Family! No wonder you were born without the horn's! Lady Malleona is probably crying from the sky from the shame you bring!" They said

You just snapped at that moment

Before the teacher could continue they were slapped across the face sending flying to the brick wall

"How dare are you!" They yelled holding their cheek

"No How dare you...." You said clenching your fist as they bleed

"Me?....A Disgrace?....." You said as tear's started to fall down like rain

Lighting could be seen coming with cloud's

"You are the one that is a disgrace,....Your a disgrace to being a teacher!" You yelled as the ground started to break

"People like you will never understand how it feels.....To Try hard everyday to be loved and worthy of the title Princess more less a child of the Draconia family!!"

Suddenly once again the Castle was destroyed and you started to cry in frustration

Why couldn't people just appreciate progress?

Or even the fact that you try?

Why is everyone alway's citizizing you unless they are your servants?

Why are you alway's compared to Malleus?


the ground started to break even more

"WHY?!" You cried

Before more could be done everything was fixed in a secound you found yourself in Malleus's arm's

"Why are you crying?"he asked

"......" You stayed silent

(End of Flashback)
Since then they created special shackle's to hold back for safety

You agreed with it since you believe it was for the better

And now you had more important thing if things did get out of hand you would break them

Grim jumped up as he threw more fire

"I'm always right!" Riddle yelled throwing a tree at him

"Damn He is strong " said Ace

"We need to keep going!" Said Trey

"Oh-ki Doki!" Said Cater as he flash more clones of himself

You quickly grabbed the Kendo Sword and gave it to Yuu

"Yuu count to 5 backwards once you hit the final number swing at full strength" you said as Yuu noded in agreement


"Ace, Grim and Deuce Run over here!" You yelled


"Trey and Cater come here but behind Riddle!"


Everyone started running one direction as Riddle and His Phantom ran after them


You ran over and held Yuu by the waist surprising them

"Trust me" you said smiling

Yuu noded as they yelled the final number


"Mama .............."

𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒-(Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now