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You were packing a suit case with Rosaline and Alicia

Your letter got approved and Crowley sent a ID for you to wear when your there and for you to bring both Alicia and Rosaline with you

"I can't believe we are actually going to leave Briar Valley" Rosaline said putting a dress inside

"It's fine It's only for 2 weeks" Alicia said

"Indeed let's explore while we are there" You said

Once you were finished they prepared you a bath for you to go in while they get theirs ready

You went inside as you wondered how will your stay go

Your probably going to spend most of your time in Diasomnia while walking here and there to places

And then there is Yuu who should now be a student with Grim

As you were thinking about it you slowly fell asleep in the tub
You saw a huge mirror with fog clean away and take you inside the mirror

In the mirror you saw what you clearly remember as Alice in Wonderland movie where things were getting bad for Alice

You started remembering about the fact that you've been having all of these dreams right after you had received that one when you were younger

You weren't going to lie this made you think they had a strong connection towards Yuu

Was it because you were both from different worlds?

You weren't sure but it scared you

As soon as the dream vision was done you were solely pulled away from the mirror

Before you knew it you could start hearing the Echoes of someone calling out to you




Your eyes quickly shot open as you gasped and look around you

Rosaline was holding you in her arms while Alicia was drying you up

They were both crying

"Princess if you felt unwell you should have told us! Was it another Vision Dream?! Are you alright?!" Rosaline said quickly taking you out

"We were done packing when we saw you under the water,....we were so worried!" Alicia said grabbing more Towels

"I'm.....sorry" you said as your throat stung probably from the water that was in your lungs a minute ago

"I knew it we shouldn't have let you alone" Rosaline said covering you

"It's ok.... I'm fine now"you said patting both of them in the head

"We are just glad your fine" Alicia said running out to prepare the bed

Rosaline picked you up and walked over to a chair and sat you there

"Wait right here I'll get a nightgown" she said

You noded as you watched both woman

Ever since you confessed about yourself they been really upfront and making sure you were alright

Everytime they suspected you got a "Dream Vision" they would make sure to be there and support you while you sleep

You couldn't ask for better maids

You also recently been feeling like someone is watching you but that's for another time

(Time Skip)

You walked in the Mirror with Rosaline and Alicia to find yourself inside the Mirror Chamber

It's been awhile since you saw this place

It felt quite nice

As you looked around you saw a bird man and your family walking towards you

"Princess Y/N Draconia, It's a blessing to meet your acquaintance!~" Crowley chirped

"Ah.....Yes yes Hello" you said giving a small bow

Before you could look back up you were thrown into Malleus arms

"I'm glad to see you made it safely" he said

"Me Too" you managed to say

"Now, Now Malleus your gonna suffocate her" Lilia said making him let lose

Once he let go Lilia took the chance to bring you in his small arm's and hug you

"My,Our Princess has grown into a fine beautiful young lady" He said with a smile

"Fat- I mean Lilia your gonna embarrass her" Said Silver with a small smile

"Silver!How dare you intrude on their precious moment?! My Lady ignore him!" Sebek said

"It's alright he is kinda right..... I'm a bit embarrassed" you said

Lilia just laughed and kept hugging you

"Well Remember keep your ID with you at all time alright?Until then have a good day" Said Crowley before leaving

"Shall we go to Diasomnia?" You asked

"Yes Princess!" Said Sebek

Rosaline and Alicia were about to grab the suitcases before Sebek,Silver and Lilia took them

"Please allow us to assist you" Said Silver

"Ah.....Thank you...."Said Alicia

"Y-Yes...." Rosaline said as she trembled a little

That's right they are not use to humans or other species since they never left Briar Valley

You took there hands and gave them a firm squeeze

"It's alright I promise nothing will happen and besides we already have permission to beat anyone if they try anything! We even have our own bathroom!" You said giving them a smile

They smiled back as the nodded and walked in front

Malleus stayed behind with you and extended his hand out

"Shall we go too?" He said with a smile

"Yea! Let's go Brother" you gave him a cheerful smile

The gateway to hell and beautiful memories has just begun

𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒-(Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now