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Soooo umm I know I haven't uploaded in so long but here is an explanation on what will be happening starting today and now

Please it may seem like I'm ranting but I'm just trying to give in simple terms an explanation without going into too much detail

-Mentions of Suicide
-mental health
-abuse(both physical and mental)

So If you had checked on my announcements you would know I said I would upload chapters soon

Sadly I don't think that will happen anytime soon

By this I mean recently (today and last month)

So a bit if a times back last month my doctor revealed to my parents and basically myself that I have bulimia(if you don't know what that is it's a eating disorder in which you eat a lot (binge eating) and proceed to make yourself throw it all up)

With that My parents (mostly mom) tried to help me to heal from this and get back on track

With that being said I started feeling very depressed and suicidal as I started to realize just how much of a broken marriage my parents have (constantly fighting, yelling, telling each other bad things, and then proceed to "make up" and leave it for awhile before fighting again for the stupidest shit

Especially since my siblings have now been coming at me claiming I'm the favorite child and saying I'm a terrible sister when in reality it was the opposite as all my life I've been put on the stupid duty as the "second parent" not actual sister

At this point their words are getting to me and my mental health is draining again and I can't take it anymore so I'm trying to seek help

Now as today (20 minutes ago) my parents had this really really huge fight over a fucking refrigerator and how we supposedly live in a dump (not really a lie) it ended up escalating to my dad twisting my mom's words and saying things she either didn't say or twisting what she said which then is making my mom twist his words too

Now after the screaming fight my dad basically told her "you have 4 hours to choose Go live with your dad or brother or stay with me Feel free to take the kids if you want but you have 4 hours" or some shit like that

My mom basically getting "kicked out" of her own home and now I'm devastated

With this I came to the conclusion my health is not the best right now and it will get in the way of writing and uploading chapters (writing brings me at peace and helps but knowing I have fan's and all this is happening in real life I rather be able to be at my best than be at my worse and not deliver a good chapter) I seriously couldn't bare it if I was in a bad state and upload a chapter that clearly is either making me unhappy or unsatisfied because I'm in a shit mood

With that being said I'll be taking a break for awhile (possibly 4-6 months who knows until I get better and I know what will happen from now on with my family)

I deeply apologize for those who have been looking forward to me uploading I know I've failed as an Author many times but I could truly use some understanding with my situation

This does not mean all my books will be discontinued this just means I'll be on a very long break for healing

Until then I hope some of you can wait for me when I'm better

Love you all and thank you so much for being such beautiful loving reader's 💞

𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒-(Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now