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"New Chapter In life"
(A/n:I literally apologize ahead of time is this chapter of s*** but that's probably because I had a huge writer was blocked)

A mirror shine's as the vision show's

The celebration of a new born Cub

Everyone is cheering as one in particular show's a Girm expression

"Let them Celebrate all they want" said the Lion as he looked at the cub in a menacing voice

Soon over the vision was over

Two people both in different place's gasped as the got up from their bed's

"What was that?......" They said in Union

Yuu didn't want to think about it any further so they went back to bed

Meanwhile with Y/n she was still stuck in place as like small shards of the vision came back in mind

"Why?......Why did I get?....No did Yuu also get it?......" You said clenching your chest

Should you ask Yuu?

What if they think your werid?

You took a glass of water and dranked it

You decide to wait a little and see

It was the best thing to do for now
(The next day)

You had just finished packing your suitcase when Malleus walked in

"Your leaving today " he said

"Yea that's right but hey don't worry I'll keep sending letters and we will see each other in winter break" you said

"Yea.....but we didn't even get to hang out much " he said quietly

"What was that?" You asked

"Nothing " he said as he helped you get your thing's outside

You both walked out as you checked the time on your clock

"We have 2 hour's left-"

"So I guess I'll go to town and buy something quick for the trip" you asked walking off

"Wait we can-" Malleus said but you had already left off

You were walking out of the mirror chamber as you made way outside

Out of the corner of your eyes you saw Yuu,Cater, Ace,Riddle, Deuce and Grim

They were acting off

Like they were trying to make sure they weren't caught

Whistling you started to Follow as they made way to the middle where all the tree's are

There you saw them hiding behind looking at something or someone

You followed your eyes as the made way to 2 people looking exactly the same

Except one looked messy and the other looked neat along with their werid streak and eye pattern

"Interesting...." You said as you put a buck inside the machine and pressed a number as a drink came down

"Ok that's Jade and Floyd Leech, Twin's and work with Azul they are second years like me" Riddle said

Slowly you watched the scene unfold and watched them run off with Jade and Floyd running after them

You couldn't help but find it funny so you decide to follow behind

Eventually they got away but were looking tired

"I think we lost them...."said Deuce

"What the hell was their deal?!" Said Ace

"They are like that" say' Riddle

"Well that was a show!" Y/n say's while laughing as the swing their heads to look at her

"Aren't you leaving today?!" Say's Yuu

"Yea what human said weren't ya gonna leave today?" Said Grim

"My transportation was delayed by 2 hours so I thought I would stop by!" You say with a smile

"ohhhh..." Say's Deuce as Riddle coughs to get everyone's attention

"Um.....Hime? The nickname that Yuu gave you I'll use that....I will leave soon so do you want to...." Riddle wasn't sure how to say it it was awkward for him to be around another woman who wasn't his mother

"Would you like to join our date?~" says Cater

"What he meant was investigation" say's Ace

"Yea that!" Say's Cater again

"Sure why not!" You smile

A few minutes you were walking with them to the Savanaclaw dorm where Jack was in

Once there a bunch of dumbass came and tried starting a fight

"Look we are not looking for trouble we just-" Yuu tried saying only to be interrupted by another dumbass

Dumbass #1: "I'll eat you up!" He said while cracking his knuckles

"Sir- that's sounds um..... fruity" you mumbled while the guys face turned red

"What's that supposed to mean?!" He growls as he lifts up his hands in a fighting position ready to fight

"Yell Yeah!" Deuce suddenly said as he was ready to jump in

"Wait a minute wait a minute I didn't sign up for this!" Cater cried out while also getting ready as back up

"Yuu it's best if you get behind us,...Just in case here" you say snapping your fingers while making a metal broom appear and handing it over to Yuu

"Are you trying to kill them!?" Yuu says startled as everyone got ready to fight

When suddenly a voice called out interrupting everyone

"Oi oi ....What's the meaning of this?" The voice said as the foot steps got closer

"Dorm Head!" The Students say startled by his sudden appearance and look up nervously

"I said" the voice spoke again while making his presence fully known a Hyena like beast boy also walking behind him as he Snickers

"What's going on?" Leona says as his features become clearer as he steps in between both sides

Welp....here we go again!


(A/N: Anyways hey hey I'm backkkkk~)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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