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"Have we met before?"
You were getting ready to leave for a might walk, when one of Diasomnia students walked over to you

"Allow me to escort you!" He said

"Oh no I'm perf-"

"I insist" He said

"Really I'm fine on my o-"

He then bowed to you

He was freaking you out!

It hasn't even been 3 days and and this man hasn't stop bothering you!

He is scary!



Is what you wanted to yell

Oh please oh please let someone come and take this man away

And as if what you wanted was heard Alicia came in racing

"YOU! HOW DARE YOU!" She yelled


"How dare you put soap in the cookies?!"

Oh boy

"I didn't!"

"Don't fuck with me!" Alicia yelled as she gave you a wink

You mouthed a quick thank you to her as you left

By now the first unbirthday party in the main story should have finish and challenging Riddle too maybe

As you walked you failed to realize you had walked into the Property of the Ramshackle Dorm

"Whoopies - I better le-" before you could sneak off you heard the door opened

"Who's there?!" They said

What an unfamiliar voice you thought

"Hello!" You said popping out and giving them a smile


Is this Yuu?

They looked average

Not too tall, not too short

Short Shoulder Length hair,

As you scanned them you failed to realize Yuu was staring at you in shock

"Um?" You said as they kept watching you

Ok that's werid

"Yo-ho! Hello?" You said waving at them

Still nothing

"Cough cough ummm? HIIIIII?!" you yelled for them to snap out of it

"Ah.....I'm sorry" They said

"It's fine I got worried for a moment" you said smiling

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable it's just that you look like someone" they said

"Someone You know?" You asked

"I wouldn't necessarily call it that,But I do know her, my dreams" the mumbled quietly the last party

"Oh alright, What's your name?" You asked already knowing

Hey you didn't expect the plan to go like this

But it's fine

"My name is Yuu,The Perfect of this Dorm" They said

"I see"

"And Shouldn't you introduce yourself too?" They said

Cutting to the chase huh?

Well I can play games too

"Hmmm here is the thing....I can't exactly tell you who I am so I'll let you nickname me!" You beamed

Out of the corner of your ears you could hear Sebeks voice calling you

"Welp I must go now....Bye bye!" You said disappearing in small green lights leaving a stunned dumbfounded Yuu there

"What a Strange girl......" They said as they heard people walking towards their home

"My lady,Were are you?!" Sebek said in a worried tone

"Clam down I'm sure she is back by now" Silver said

"Nonsense Silver it's been 20 minutes and she hasn't returned!" Sebek said running

"Are they looking for a child?" Yuu said to themselves

Yuu got lost in thought as they thought about the girl the met just now

Long Black hair....,Green Lime Eyes........Soft but Chilling voice

She looks exactly like the girl in Yuu's dreams since 3 years ago

"Could that be her?" They said out loud

They definitely wanted to see her again

They knows that they met before

Maybe in  a dream

Or reality

All they know is one thing
"What's Your name?"

𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒-(Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now