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"The Crimson Tyrant Part I"
You had arrived at the Ramshackle Dorm when you saw the door open before you could knock

It was Deuce

"Oh hey,Come in"

"Thank you" you smiled as you walked inside

Now listen here

You knew at the beginning the Ramshackle Dorm was in a bad state


Everything was a mess

But you could tell Yuu and Girm cleaned up a little and even tried fixing some things

You wished you could just zap your magic and clean this place automatically

As you walked in the hall you saw everyone sitting down

"Hey everyone" you said as Yuu's face brightened up at the sight of you

"Come in, Come in!" They said patting a space next to them for you to sit down

Once you were seated everyone started talking about what was the plan

Since you can't help because your not a student you could still help them

"So everyone agrees with the plan right?" Said Yuu

"Yea yea let's get going" said Ace as everyone walked out if the Ramshackle Dorm and walked Towards the mirror chamber to their Dorm Heartslabyul

Once they were there Crowley and Riddle along with the other students were already waiting

Everyone started mumbling about this challenge

"Are they really gonna challenge him?"

"Who knows what's going through their mind"

"Let's just watch"

They all whispered around

"Are we ready to go?" Asked Crowley

Riddle scoffed

"I've been waiting to show you all who is right " he said making Ace pissed

"Yea were ready " said Deuce

And so Yuu grabbed your hand and took you to the sidelines were Crowley was

"Alright let the battle between the Dorm Leader Riddle Roseheart's and Ace and Deuce for the position of Dorm Leader commence" he said grabbing a mirror and breaking it

Not even a minute nor second in Riddle collard them all

"..........." Yuu and you were very quite as Ace,Deuce and Grim yelled about how it wasn't fair

"as far as the rule's say This is a magic fight meaning until you give up, lose or cant use your magic you lose meaning since you can fight I win." Riddle said looking down on them

and then it started to happen.............

"IVE HAD IT" Ace said as he started to yell at Riddle

Quickly you held onto what you brought with you, Now now your probably wondering what the hell you brought since i never gave hints

You brought a Kendo Stick,........

Yup ladies, gentlemen and non-bi hoe's if you read the manga you would know chapter 1 in the manga the Yuu there is the captain of the Kendo Club and he used it to beat Riddle

and so you brought one so Yuu can use it once he Overbolts

Hell yea you came ready,.

As they fought more you saw Yuu staring to talk

"But what Your doing is wrong!" They said as you quickly held on to them

Damn they have some muscles!

"I am the one who decides what is wrong here!" He said

oh boy

"If you cant even follow a simple rule was is your education like?!"

Shit- "No cursing little one" The goddess voice went through your head

"You ere probably born from parents who can barely use magic" He said as Yuu clenched their fist

"And didn't receive much in terms of schooling, How pitiful" He laughed

before he could even finish a punch landed on his face as he went trampling down like a rag doll

"SHUT THE HELL UP" said Ace 

"welp hell is about to break lose" You whispered dragging Yuu down for cover who was confused

Load and behold people started throwing eggs, rocks and anything the could get their hands on at Riddle

Yuu despite what Riddle said to them walked to jump out the cover to get them to stop

but before anything could be done the cloud's suddenly appeared, Grim's fur went up as everyone could feel something was coming

Everything started lifting itself in the air as the sky turned bloody red

and so ink liquid started to come up from the ground as it started to grab Riddle and lift him up in the air wrapping itself onto him like a snake

"I......" Riddle said

"RIDDLE!" Trey screamed as the whole

"I AM ABSOLUTElY RIGHT" he screamed as the bolt cover him completely Cater had to hold him back before he could run towards him

Slowly and in a very creepy way ink dripped down as the shadowy figure slowly opened its eye's

With that a demonic laugh same out as the person laughed

Welp this is now a danger death zone...............

(A/n:Hi everyone! You are all wondering why I Updated and it was due to my therapist recommendation. She thought it would be good to upload one chapter of one of my other book's to see how a feel and honestly a feel's nice. I also wanted to upload as a thank you since I'm doing a little better. But anyway's I plan do upload my other one soon hopefully)

𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒-(Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now