Chapter 1

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Back to life as Sara Roger life as a princess as most put it, but out side of school my life sucked. Yeah I know my parents are rich and I know I get what ever I ask for, but I actually don't what I want more than anything is love. The word is like candy to a four year old everything made me want love, I've seen my friends kissing all the times which isn't very many since the only friend I have are Zayn and Perrie. I used to like Zayn but he is like my brother he spends every night at my house then when he met Perrie he stopped coming over about once a month he would spend it with Perrie, I know what you're thinking wow you have all month except one day you're such a hog. But listen to this when he spends the night I usually invite Perrie and I just watch them be googley eyes at each other. That's all I want is a love like his is that to much to ask. Today was a plain day I was eating lunch with Zayn when Perrie showed up she was in an aggravated mood and she didn't want to be bothered she must of been mad at Zayn because she passed out table and went to her old one with all her old friends. I was pissed off she knew what tey do to me and Zayn and she goes and sits with them, she is obviously mad at both of us because she was pissing us off. I looked over at Zayn whose knuckles were clenched. I place my hand over his and looked him in the eyes.

"Zayn" I whisper

He loosens his knuckles, he grabs his stuff and walks over to her table I hear a couple ad words being shouted at each other then Perrie kissed Braddock the quarterback. I then ran up behind Zayn I wasn't about to let Perrie do that to him right there.

"Bitch try and keep you legs closed I'm sure you don't think you want the other half of the school in you." I snap I walk away with Zayns hand in mine leading him out of the cafeteria. He was I. Shock he loved her and she goes out and pulls this I've always had something against Her. I pull him into the janitors closet and grabbed a few paper towels to wipe the tears off his face.

"Zayn are you alright?" I whisper

"No, she thought I cheated on her with you." He mumbles

I take a second to think about that then realized that's impossible because most of the time me and Zayn are hanging out she was there with him. I was jealous how much time he would spend with her most days.

"That's ridiculous and why did she kiss Braddock?" I mumble

"She wanted to show she got over me." He cries.

"Zayn you don't need her you've got me your bestfriend." I smile

He gives me a serious look then changes to an unreadable look.

"Yeah a bestfriend who's a freshman while I'm a senior three grades ahead of you." He snaps

"Zayn I'm only being nice you're like my brother." I whisper yell

"That's probably a reason she thought we were together we're too close." He barks

"We hardly talked when you were dating her." I retaliate

He looks at me with his big brown eyes and I knew he didn't mean what he said.

I walk out of the janitors closet and strait into some one great.

"Hey gurllllll you know who you just ran into?" I try and not look up to save my self from embarrassment but he wasn't going to let it go. He lifts my head so I look into his eyes.

"Now let's try again" he takes a deep breath and kept his focus in me.

"Dooooo Yooou know whoooo I am." He lengthens the sentance to where I would get every word he said

"No." I mutter

He takes me and pulls me into the girls bathroom and sets me on top of the sink.

"Okay why are we in the bath room." I ask

"You'll see." He says

"Wait for it waaaaaait fooooor it." He sings

"Louis William Tomlinson and Sara Rain Sumski please come see the principle" the announcer says.....................

Well Louis just got her into trouble lets see how she takes it ......

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