Clarity Pt. 2

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-Hotel Room-

As I finished changing my clothes and sat down in the chair I placed between the beds, they both finally started to wake up. They had been out for thirty minutes by now. I sat with my legs spread out and arms crossed, Graves pistol resting on my thigh. Shepard was the first to speak;

"What the fu- who shot me in the foot?!"

He groaned loudly in pain and I simply chuckled lowly. Gaining their attention.

"Finally woke up, commander."

His eyes widen and darkend with fear.



Shepards voice was laced with fear, but for Graves? His tone showed pure panic. He then tried to call for the guards.

"Give it a rest. Their all dead."

I stood up and walked over to my duffle bag. Pulling out a new knife I bought a few weeks after I became pregnant. Graves then started asking questions.

"How did you find us?! What are you gonna do to us?! Let us go!!"

I jumped up onto the bed and held a knife to his throat. He let out a small pathetic cry as I smirked. His eyes were completely laced with fear. I feed off it.

"For a man who poses to be so tough, a knife to the throat scares you, Graves?"

I speak in a mensingly way and chuckled in a serial killer way, scaring him even more.

"What are you gonna do to us?"

Shepard spoke low and slow. He for once isn't trying to piss me off. Without looking at him, I lifted my knife to Graves eyes and spoke lowly.

"Inflict the same pain you inflicted on me. You murdering my baby pulled the trigger of your death."

Shepard looked around in panic, him finally noticing he's laying on his side. I chuckled lowly and looked at Shepard with dark hatred filled eyes.

"Your unable to move. You'll be forced to watch what I do to your dog of a soilder.. and I'll be starting with his eyes."

Before Graves can protest, I shove a peice of cloth into his mouth and pry his right open. Slowly edging the knife closer to his eye as Shepard pleaded me to stop. I ignored every single word that Shepard spoke as I suddenly shove the knife into Graves eyes, him screaming none stop. I smile at hearing his screams. It was music to my eyes. I twist the knife a few times before yanking his entire eye out, blood oozing out of his eye socet. I take his eye off the knife and set it on the night stand beside me and proceeded to do the same thing to his other eye before slitting Graves throat deeply and he died instantly. The amount of blood was enough for one more wound to do the trick.

I then take Graves eyes and put them in a jar before turning towards Shepard. His body shook with pure fucking fear. I was swimming in it. I then pull out a whip. He began to struggle causing him to fall off the bed, and I laugh.

"There is no use in trying to escape me Shepard. No one can get out those knots"

I lift Shepard back up onto the bed, but lay him on his stomach. His arms are pinned under him and his legs are tied together. So no matter how hard he tries to twist and turn out of the binding, it won't work. I rip the back of his shirt open and prep the whip. He starts begging for my forgiveness. I scoff.

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