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-Living Quarters-

As me and Simon entered the living quarters, we were lucky to see everyone already gathered in the living room. Soon after we enter the room, Price acknowledges our presence by loudly announcing it by yelling our names. We both just lightly chuckle and they quickly notice something is up. Soap was the first one to speak,

"What's on your mind guys? Something is wrong. I can cause you two are tense."

Simon chuckled lightly and motioned everyone sit down. He stayed standing as I sat down beside him and held his hand. Price quickly speaks,

"Yall are making me nervous. Speak."

Simon took a deep breath before he spoke in a low tone,

"Well um.. Mel has something to tell you guys and truthfully.. I think it's good."

Everyone took a deep breath. I knew they were expecting the worst. I smiled under my mask before taking a small deep breath.

"Just a few moments ago, my commanding officer gave me some information that.. I was not expecting to receive. Especially after my recent actions.."

I trailed off for a moment and took another deep breath mentally before dropping the possible bomb on them.

"My commanding officer is going to take me to the pentagon so I can become your new commanding officer. This is only happening due to me killing Shepard."

I lock eyes with floor. I already knew Simon was watching everyone's body language. Next thing I knew, Soap was yelling with excitement.

"Wooohooo! Hell yeah, that's awesome!"

"That's amazing sis, I'm proud of you!"

"Commander Adams!.. I like it!"

Everyone one cheering for me. I smiled as I let quite sigh of relief. Simon softly rubbed my shoulder as I looked up at everyone. But then Gaz frowned. I knew he had a question was scared to ask. I silently motioned him ask.

"What does.. that mean for the team?.. and you guys?.."

I took a moment to answer.

"Nothing. Other than needing to attend some meetings here and there, plus some paperwork, maybe training new recruits. But in all honesty, this position will make me a little safer. Especially since I know not all Hassans followers aren't dead. But I'll still be going on missions with you guys. Nothing will change. So Price, you'll still be in full command of this squad. I'm not letting my rank changing, change us."

"Well said, Commander."

Simon spoke. We all laugh as I gently punch him in the arm. I'm more than happy that everyone is accepting of this small change. But I'm not letting them know what other changes that'll be made. This team, is going to get some hard earned time off. I know most of us haven't seen our families in a long time. Plus, that gives me and Simon to figure our next steps as a couple. I'm excited. The boys are more deserving of it than I am.. but it'd make me so happy to see them spend sometime with their families. As for me and Simon, we have each other. No families to go home to. It was as if fate or God made it that way.

I silently smiled to myself as I stood up. They boys wanted to go out for drinks considering we won't be on a mission for the five days. I wanted to agree, but my mind is somewhere else right now. Me becoming the squads new commander, has given me a chance to do something I've been wanting to do for the past year and a half. I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I hear Soap calling out to me. I look at him dazed eyes. He frowns,

"You alright lass?.. You look dazed."

He sounded concerned, which now earned Simon's attention. He stepped in front of me, holding my shoulder. My next words were blurted out before I could realize what I just said to Simon.

"I want a dog."

My eyes widened as I looked at Simon. He gave me the same expression. I gulped lightly and walked to room, without saying another word. I then shut the door behind me and I can hear Price speak to Simon,

"Why does she suddenly want a dog?"

"It's not sudden. The past year she's had that dazed look Soap caught her with. I could always tell a part of her is missing and that part is Riley."

I tear up as I listen to him. He wasn't wrong. In sense, I'm lost without Riley. He wasn't just my fur baby, he was my best friend. He comforted me when I was feeling sad or alone. He could sense I wasn't always in the right mind, so he'd try to cheer me up. It was if he was human. I smiled lightly as a tear rolled down my cheek. I then walked over to my dresser and pulled open the very bottom drawer. It had a medium sized box sitting in it. I pulled it out and silently went back out to the boys. They slowly stopped their conversation as I stood in the hall doorframe. I sniffled.

"You alright, doll?~"

Simon spoke. His tone firm and strong while still being so gentle. I lightly chuckled as I whipped a tear away.

"I think it's time I'd heal from Rileys death. I never have since he died four years ago and ironically, today marks four years since he died. So I.."

I trailed off. Needing to take a small death breath as I motioned everyone to sit down on the couch. They all squeeze together, while Simon just stands and leans against the wall. I stand on the opposite side of the coffee table, facing the boys. I set the box down and rub my sweaty palms against my thighs. What I'm about to do... is so unexpected.

°•To be Continued•°

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