Unexpected Events

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We arrived at the Pentagon about two days ago. We're in the on base living quarters, waiting to be requested by our superiors. We can't just show up unannounced. It's disrespectful. Bush will come get us when it's our time. I've been sitting by a window almost the entire time we've arrived. For some reason, it doesn't feel right to receive the commander title. With me killing Shepard and Graves out of pure hatred and anger, I shouldn't be rewarded the commander title. It doesn't feel right to me. I'm not sure why, but I don't like having this feeling. Not one fucking bit.

I then hear voices out in the hallway. The window I've been sitting in, is my shared room with Simon. I haven't left since we arrived. My attention turns towards the door as I hear the voices become louder. I stand up while sliding my mask up over my mouth and nose, and put my hands in my pockets. I'm wearing the exact outfit I was wearing when I first arrived at base, four years ago. My black silk, skin tight long sleeve shirt, with my dark green camo cargo pants, with my steal toes, and my finishing touch being my dog tages hanging around my neck in plain sight.

After another minute, the door finally opened. Revealing Bush and a guard that works in the Pentagon. I can tell by his stupid uniform. So basic and bland. My face shows zero emotion. I'm feeling the same feelings I felt when I first met the task force. Nothing. I'm numb to the core, not feeling an ounce of anything. I feel heartless and I love it. Bush spoke with hesitancy in his voice;

"So.. got your poker face on I see."

Not one word slipped from my lips. If anything, I frowned. Looking pissed. Bush then motioned me to follow him. Everyone else was already in the assembly room, waiting for me to appear. I clenched my jaw tightly as my shoulder blades tightened as well. I can not express how filthy this is. Giving me the commander title all cause I killed Shepard. Yes, I helped the Pentagon out without realizing, but my intentions of killing Shepard and Graves, don't match me receiving anything as a reward for the actions I made. I acted on pure anger and lust for blood to be spilt.

My vision is suddenly blurred for only a moment as we step into a bright room. The assembly room. I keep my head straight, only moving my eyes. I notice that almost the entire base is here. Even the newest recruits are here. Great. I then spot the boys. My eyes momentarily met Simon's before I pull them to the front of me and stand before my superiors. I suddenly can't even find the urge to stand in this room. Just as Bush stands beside me, the middle gentlemen stands up,

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to give this women right here, a new title. This, is once in life time occurrence. Only men have earned and achieved the position and the title of being a commander. Her actions, have demonstrated and proven that she is worthy of that title. She single handedly eliminated the source of the black market and the men who not only controlled it, but the men who also costed too many of our soilders lives. She, single handedly eliminated former commander Shepard and Graves. In the same place, same time, same room. Disguising herself as a one of the hotel women workers.."

He went on to tell the whole fucking story about how I killed Shepard and Graves. My fists tighten with great pressure needing to be released. Hearing the story, makes me hate myself even more. That story isn't about me. It's about a women who was tired of being attacked. A women who snapped. A women who's a killer. I'm not a killer. Killing someone out pure anger and hate, doesn't deserve a fucking reward. Not in the slightest bit.

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