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That was all in the past but he still can't help feeling like shit. His eyes opened as his alarm went of as he reluctantly got up and turned it off.
A shiny silver knife sat on his bedside table. He could see his reflection. His lifeless eyes with no shine in them just completely empty. He picked up the knife and rolled down his sleeve. His previous cuts were aching sore but he didn't care and slowly cut his pale skin. The deep wound bled as he winced in pain. Shit my wrist hurts more then I expected it to.. 15 cuts more wouldn't hurt.. right? This pain couldn't stop it hurted so much, it was hard for him to breathe. Tsukasa gasped for air and then *THUD* he fell on the floor trying to regain his breath. Am I dying? He rolled down his sleeve and got up back on his bed after he heard footsteps coming upstairs.
"Tsukasa! I'm coming in!" Tsukasas sister, saki said befoe opening the door.
"You haven't been outside in awhile, you've just been in bed the past month! I got a party invitation Ichika and the others will be there and loads of other ppl cmon please? It'll make me super happy if you come!!" Saki said with a grin on her face.
All Tsukasa ever wanted to do was make saki happy so if he couldn't be a star then he had to do small things for saki so she could smile.
"I'll go," he said.
"yay!! It's in an hour so hurry up and get ready!"
She closed the door. She would be happy if I went right?... Then that's the least I can do for her besides I haven't had any fresh air for awhile now... He sighed before getting ready.

Never a star. (Rui x tsukasa)Where stories live. Discover now