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His thoughts went on and on until he slept. He couldn't stop thinking about what would have been the right choice. Day and night and all he did was just think in his hospital bed and skipping some meals accidentally.

Tsukasa woke up in his hotel bed. Honestly this life was getting stressful. He had to disguise himself so he didn't run into anybody he knew and it was the same everyday. Go to work go to the hotel and sleep. The repeating days was making him go insane. There was no point in living still yet.. he had some sort of hope that something, anything would change. 


The time ticked as Rui sat in his hospital bed when Nene came through the door.

"I thought you didn't like my 'gay arse' hm?"
"Your awfully cocky for someone who's in a hospital bed." Nene spoke.
"It's not like anyone else had payed you a visit. Be grateful someone cares. Even your own mother didn't visit." she said with an annoyed expression.

"Nene, why didn't you come last show? You stood us up.. Emu looked so sad," Rui replied ignoring what she said.
"I didn't want to be the main character or do the shwo for him!"
"But he has apologised, no? He apologised so much and yet now he's dead."

"Yeah.. Listen things just can't go back to the way they were. Besides I didn't start the rumours.. you did,"

It was true he did it but it was an accident!

"Let's go on a walk." Rui said with a smile.

"er, okay? Can you walk?" Nene replied as she helped him up. They was gonna sneak out the hospital.

As they took their walk Nene quickly went to go get some drinks before Rui saw a familiar blonde and faded pink haired boys hair.

Never a star. (Rui x tsukasa)Where stories live. Discover now