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"Tsukasa!! Why did u leave so early?!!!" Saki shouted as she walked in the house.

"Haha, Sorry saki. Mum told me to go get groceries," he said as he held up the bag.

"I got your favourite brownies out of my pocket money to make it up to you," he smiled brightly.

      (time skip: NEXT DAY.)

beep beep beep beep beep beep b-
Tsukasa turned his alarm off as he rubbed his eyes.  He went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He hated what he was seeing.
After he got ready he head out home for school. It was a good 10-15 minute walk all by himself because he had no friends.
When he had arrived at his desk he saw even more words written on his desk.
"Kill yourself!" "Worthless pig!" "fat whore" and etc, those were the words that were covering his desk that the teacher pretended not to see. He was use to this by now. It was a loop hole that was happening every single day. It was hell.
It was cause of Nene. She had told some of her friends about him and then those friends told their friends and then it ended up that half the school found out. The rumours were worse then the stuff he actually had said, apparently he has told her "to go kill herself because she is a shy coward who didn't deserve air" and another one was that he had slapped her? It was all absurd.

ring ring. The bell went off.

Tsukasa yawned as the lesson had finally been over and it was now break time.

it's not like I have anybody to hang out with. This is useless. I'm a waste of space. It's just as Rui said I will never be a star. I will never be a normal person.

He felt someone grab a fist full of his hair before slamming his face in his desk.

He was being this openly bullied yet the teacher still didn't do anything.
He had already told the teacher before about a week ago about it yet he replied with "just ignore it" "they're just messing with you" making it seem like he was over exaggerating and being sensitive.
What was the point in living anymore?

"Oh my! Is Tsukasa-chan all by himself?"
"Hey say something."
"He use to talk so much.. where did his annoying loud voice go? What a pussy."

He wanted all those voices to just disappear or maybe he just wanted to disappear instead but that wasn't the point.

His nose started to bleed. He wanted to cry out of pain but didn't want to see like a loser, in least more then he already was, maybe if he said something they would be satisfied and leave him alone?

"Please... stop," he whispered.
They were laughing.
It didn't work.
"What a weird voice."
Just then the bell went off thankfully.

School ended. He got up out of his seat and went to his locker to change shoes. He felt a sharp pain in his fingers when he grabbed the shoes, someone had put pins inside them. He sighed before emptying them out and putting them on. This was never gonna end. No matter what he did.

He silently prayed that when he went to sleep he would never wake up again because he was too scared of pain. Too scared to end his life, only cause of saki. He didn't want to be selfish and end his life
but he couldn't take the bullying or the guilt.  

Never a star. (Rui x tsukasa)Where stories live. Discover now