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"Your the one who hasn't changed," Tsukasa said.

"Well we are done here. You should quit being a star already. Wonderland x showtime will never be a group again because of you," Rui said.
Don't you think I've already given up being a star? I know it's all my fault. I know.
Tsukasa slapped Rui at that moment with all his force.
"Shut up. What would you know?! It's all your fault!" He screamed out.
He didn't want to say that. Not at all. Not one bit.
The slap didn't actually hurt but Rui still felt some what insulted.
"Your blaming it on me?! If you had never yelled at nene then this group would have still been together! Stop being a self centered!" Rui shouted.

Yeah he's right. If tsukasa never got his anger the best of him the group could have been together and do the best show but what more could he do then apologise? His words were meaningless to Rui. His wrists started hurting like really bad, it might have been the fact that he used all his strength in that slap. He had cutted his wrists so much that practically his arm was about to fall off so sometimes it would bleed randomly. It started bleeding, he could feel it. It bled through the bandages quickly. His wrists started itching bad he wanted to scratch them but that would make it obvious. The cuts started to bleed through the sleeve slightly, enough for Rui to notice.

I cba to write more on this chapter so it's ending kind of random #cool

Never a star. (Rui x tsukasa)Where stories live. Discover now