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"So next week and.. Nene will be the main character of the play," Rui said looking at the script in hand.
Both the two girls nodded in agreement and smiled. "Nene! Let's do our best and shine for Tsukasa!" Emu said with her hands intertwined with Nenes.
*bell noise shit*
"Awh, that's the bell.. I'll see you tomorrow for rehearsals then guys!!" she said whilst grabbing her bag to leave.
Nene didn't want to be the main character, she wasn't even ready to get out of nene robo let alone be the main character and have the most lines. And for what "for tsukasa?" Was this a joke.
Nene was about to claw her skin out.
The day of the performance.

"Nene isn't here yet.. what should we do.." Emu said sadly.
"She'll come. Just be patient." Rui responded as he walked back and forth through the room.
Minutes and minutes went by as they were getting later and later for their show time yet nene never appeared.
Rui had to go up on stage and tell the audience sadly that they couldn't continue with the performance due to reasons as the crowd booed at them and threw pieces of litter at him.
He sighed as he walked of the stage he wanted to do a good show for tsukasa today and yet..
Tears started to pour from his eyes as he wiped them away but more came over and over.
"Rui.." Emu said sadly.
"I-.. This show would have been perfect. We can always do it next time! I'm sure Nene had some sort of reason to not showing up-"
"Don't you get it?!" Rui shouted. "Nene didn't have a reason. She stood us up. You could see how irritated she looked from the start! She never liked Tsukasa!"

The girl stood there in shock not knowing what to say but look at him with a frown.

Never a star. (Rui x tsukasa)Where stories live. Discover now