17: Hidden Witness

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3rd person pov:

Bakugou knocks on the door, as izuku hides behind him.

Baku: "Oi extras! You in there!?"

Izu: "Kacchan?"

Bakugou reaches back to hold izuku's hand. Katsuki glances back with a soft smile for only a moment. As the multiple locks on the door begin to click and rattle.

A large muscular man opens the door to look down at them.

Baku: "Been a while hasn't it?"

Sato: "You got some nerve being here after you joined the police."

Bakugou smirks and steps aside to reveal izuku. Sato is surprised.

Sato: "Holy crap. You found him!?"

As izuku looks up from the ground. He's wrapped up in a hug. One that lifts him off the ground.

Sato: "Thank goodness you're alive! Everyone has been worried about you. We thought you had died. I thought Bakugou was in denial when he kept searching for you.  I guess you were right."

Baku: "That's right, now pay up."

As Sato reaches for his wallet. Bakugou places a hand over to stop him.

Baku: "I don't need cash. I need something else from you. You see, Deku doesn't have his clothes, and we need a place to lay low for a while. Think you can handle it?"

Sato welcomes them inside. That's where Kirishima, Ojiro, and Koda see them walk in.

Sato: "Relax everyone. Bakugou came with good news."

Kirishima's eyes light up with tears as he runs over to hug izuku.

Kiri: "Midoriya you're alright."

Baku: "Mostly, but we can talk about that later. Is there a room we can use?"

Ojiro: "Follow me."

Koda: "Midoriya? Please follow me. I'll help you get some new clothes to wear.

Izuku is shy, but bakugou pushes him with a light tap on his back.

Baku: "You can trust them."

As izuku and bakugou go down different hallways. Koda shows izuku around. From the school room where Iida teaches the children, the kitchen where Tetsu Tetsu cooks, the art and music room where Shinsou and momo teach, to the animal therapy room that Koda is in charge of. Izuku gets the ture of the main floor. However, the basement Koda doesn't take him to. Yet izuku hears Bakugou's voice down there.

Koda: "Here we are. These are all the clothes in one closet. Please pick anything you want."

Izuku begins to walk down the massive closet full of different-sized clothes.

Koda: "I'll be waiting outside if you need anything."

Izu: "Thank you. "

Koda shuts the door to give izuku privacy. Only to pull up camera footage.

Kida:^Let's see if you're wearing a wire.^"Huh!?"

Koda sees the bruises and scars on his back. So Koda turns the camera off.

Koda: "He's not a spy."

Shinsou hears this and continues to teach. Giving momo the signal to spread the word to leave izuku alone.

Ojiro: "What happened to Midoriya?"

Baku: "We found him working in a red room. Only his torture was sexual."

Ojiro takes bakugou downstairs to a room with only a chair in it and a light above it.

Baku: "What the hell?"

Kirishima grabs Bakugou.

Kiri: "Sorry but you know how it goes. Can't be too careful in a city like this."

Bakugou goes to reach for his weapon. Only for Ojiro to beat me to the punch. Pointing a gun at his head.

Ojiro: "No hard feelings, but you did leave us without a boss to join those goons."

Bakugou raises his arms to surrender. That's when Kirishima searches for and takes all weapons from Bakugan.

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