26: Shots Fired

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3rd person pov:

As they park. Bakugou steps out alone and runs ahead.

Touya:"Wait! You can't fight him alone! Grr damn brat. Shiggy, protect fuyumi for me. I'll back up the blonde."

Shigaraki nods and hides with fuyumi.

Bakugou runs inside with gun drawn to scan the place.


As bakugou walks on the main stage to look down. Something wet drips onto his forehead. Bakugou checks and it's red. So his gaze turns up. That's when he sees that there's a body of the priest upside down. His throat slit and draining down.

Baku:"That sick fuck."

A shadow peirs out from the dark hallway behind him.

Natsu:"Sick, am i?"

Bakugou turns around to fired at natsuo. Only for the barrel to be pushes up and away.


Three shots fired and miss him. So Bakugou steps back. Only to slip on blood and cause him to fall off the stage. So he ducks below and out of sight.

Natsu:"Taking your time to kill me will only shorten help for shoto. Tick tock, little man."

Bakugou watches natsuo threw the cracks of the boards of the stage floor. Watching him leave. So Bakugou tails safely behind him. Once in the social room. Bakugou sees shoto on the ground. His arms and legs twisted in abnormal ways.

Baku:^There's no walking him out like that. His wrist is bandaged up, and yet it still trickles blood. Damn that basterd.^

Natsuo points a gun down at shoto.

Natsu:"Come out where I can see you!"


A shot is fired into Shoto's leg. Causing him to wale out in pain. So Bakugou steps out with arms raised. He then drops his gun and kicks it to natsuo's feet.

Baku:"Let him go and take me instead."

Natsuo aims and shoots Bakugou in both of his legs. Causing him to collapse to the ground.

Natsuo walks to Bakugou.

Sho:"No, brother, please. He has nothing to do with this!"

Natsu:"Oh, but your wrong little brother. He stole my most expensive whore. The loss of profit alone is what got him here. Shoto reaches out. Only to see the blood slow. As he goes unconscious.

Natsu:"Looks like you were too slow. How does it feel to lose another lover?"

Bakugou grits his teeth in anger and sarrow. As natsuo points the gun at Bakugou's head.


He drops the gun. As his hand was shot by touya.

Tou:"That's enough, natsu. Step away before I have to kill another family member."

Natsu:"Why are you here, big bro? Shouldn't keigo be keeping you busy?"

Tou:"He would, except he's been missing. Do you know anything about it?"


Touya loads the gun. Ready to fire again. So natsuo backs away and turns to run away. So touya shoots again. This time the bullet grazes his ear.

Tou:"Next shot won't miss."

Natsu:"Why would I go after your piece of ass? He's useful to keep you calm."

Touya pulls his gun away.

Tou:"Let me give you this last warning. Leave town, and don't ever let me catch you here again. If you show your face again. I'll end your pathetic existence."

Touya's eyes glare down at natsuo with truth. So, natsuo runs out before touya could change his m8nd. Leaving a tiny piece of his ear that was shot off behind.

Bakugou crawls over to shoto while worried about him. Then he passes out from his wounds. Luckily for them. Touya had ambulances follow them there.

Natsuo leaves but hasn't given up. Planning to return with vengeance.

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