The Sea King and the Ballerina, Bon-chan!

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3rd POV

"Luffy! Don't lie to me!" Sanji's voice draws Saki's attention (and Nami who was next to her) as both girls cast their gaze to the main deck and see the cook 'interrogating' Luffy, who is sitting on his knees in front of Sanji with his eyes shadowed by the brim of his straw hat.

"Tell me what you know." Sanji squats down in front of his captain and grabs his face. "Oi. What's with you turning your face away? Look at me!" He forces Luffy to look at him and growls, but he only averted his gaze again.

"No, no," Luffy waves his hand dismissively. "I really don't know what you're talking about."

"Ok, then I'll ask you straight. How is it that the rations I prepared to last the nine of us until we reached Alabasta suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night?" Sanji's curly eyebrow twitches slightly as Luffy looks everywhere but the cook, sweating bullets with his signature lying face.

"Don't give me that attitude!" Sanji growls as he forcefully holds the bottom half of Luffy's face with his hand. "You have a terrible poker face!" Seeing the captain won't tell him anything, Sanji lets go of his face and shoves his hands into his pockets.

"Oi, there's something around your mouth," Sanji says, eyeing Luffy's face.

Luffy began to panic. "Ah, crap! Leftovers!" He pales as his hands quickly come up to cover his mouth.

Sanji glares darkly. "SO IT WAS YOU!!" he swings his leg and his heel connected with Luffy's face, sending him bouncing off the floor then skids across the deck floor before his head crashes into the wall.

Saki laughs in amusement.

Sanji then looks up at Nami with hearts in his eyes—er, eye. "Nami-chan~! My giant mouse trap isn't enough anymore! At the next island could we buy a refrigerator with a lock~?"

"You've got a point..." Nami sighs. "I'll think about it. Our lives probably depend on it..."

'She does mean our lives definitely depend on it, right?" Nyx asks, slightly worried that she and Saki might starve again.

'Heh. Not mine.'

'You little-'

'I swear if you two start fighting again...'

Sanji's gaze shifts to Usopp, Karoo (Saki loves him and Chopper endlessly), and Chopper fishing.

"Well then! We better catch some fish for Sanji-kun!" Usopp suddenly exclaims.

"'Sanji-kun'? I've never heard Usopp-san use honourifics before..." Saki tells Nami, tilting her head.

"Probably because he did something bad..." Nami pauses. "Also you don't have to use honourifics with us, Saki."


"Oh? Is it going well?" Sanji asks, striding up to the trio. They flinch at the sound of him coming closer and don't dare look back.

"Of course!"

Sanji smiles before putting his hands on both Usopp's and Karoo's heads. He then proceeds to smash all their heads together. They fall to the ground, sporting huge bumps on their heads.

"Geez. I can't keep my eyes off you for a second," Sanji grumbles.

No one notices Saki munching on some stolen food. She couldn't just say 'no' to Chopper and Karoo when they asked her to join the food raid the night before.

They were getting closer to Alabasta and it was getting hotter and hotter each minute. Everyone was sweating. Except for Vivi and Saki.

"Nami-swan, Vivi-chan, Saki-chwan~!" Sanji appears in the girls' line of vision. "It's so hot, so I made you some refreshing drinks~! Enjoy~!" Three tropical drinks rest on a tray in Sanji's outstretched hand.

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