Zoro vs. Saki

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Ok, so before this chapter starts, I just wanna say something. You all are so sweet with your comments!!! 🥺🥺❤️ You guys make my day. Thank you so much.

Also, omg, I can't wait for the next arc 😉

"I found a shrimp!" Luffy shouts excitedly.

"So, that's a shrimp!" Chopper exclaims cheerfully, examining the scorpion that Luffy caught.

"Woahhh!" Saki admires the pointy tip at the end of it's tail.

"There aren't any shrimps in the desert." Usopp states, wandering up to the trio.

"Look!" Luffy shows the squirming scorpion to the sniper, holding it up by the tail.

"Hey, you're right! It must be a desert-shrimp!"

'Oh my god. Idiots. I'm surrounded by idiots.'

'You're not alone. We're both suffering here.'

"It looks tasty!" Luffy grins.

"Think we can eat it?" Usopp wonders.

"Why not? I've eaten crayfish before."

"Hmm, I dunno!" Saki eyes the sharp stinger. "It could be a poisonous shrimp."

"This is the first time I've ever seen a real shrimp!" Chopper's eyes sparkle.

'You bloody idiots. Throw it away. It can kill you.'

Saki gasps. "That shrimp can kill us!"

"Eh? How do you know?" Luffy tilts his head in question.

"It has a pointy tail!"

"Huh? Oh, you're right! Do pointy tails mean danger?" Usopp scrutinises the tail.

Vivi walks out of her tent, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and she glances at the four idiots. Her eyes widen in horror when the captain brings the scorpion to his gaping mouth. "Luffy-san, that's dangerous! Throw it away!"

"No!" Luffy holds the scorpion away from the princess. "I'm not gonna waste it!"

"That's a scorpion! It's small, but it's poison is deadly. If it stings you, you'll die."

"What, I can't eat it?" Luffy pouts before outstretching his hand toward the sniper. "Oh well, you can have it."


"I'll have it!" Saki volunteers. "I wanna hold it!"

"No, Saki-san!"

"Aw, damn..."

Luffy ended up throwing the dangerous thing away.

"I'm so sorry. I should have told you," Vivi apologises.

"You're damn right, you should've!" Usopp chastises.

Choppers ear twitches and he sniffs the air.

"Eh? What's wrong, Chopper?" Saki looks over at him, concerned.

"Something...is coming!"

The wind picks up.

"Ah, the wind has gotten stronger." Ace smirks, holding his hand up above his eyes to peer into the horizon.

"Everyone!" Vivi shouts, quickly realising the situation. "Take cover under the rocks!"

"Huh? What?"

Saki and Ace quickly take cover, holding on to each other. Technically Ace was holding onto Saki so she wouldn't get blown away. You never knew in these situations.

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