It's Nice to be Wanted

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Saki pants, clutching her wounds as she bled out on the deck, her blood-soaked swords laying beside her. "Heh...Good thing that knight came..."

'Chopper was right...We shouldn't be fighting in this condition.'

"When has that ever stopped us, huh?"

She had fought the fire spear dude for a while until Chopper called the Sky Knight with the whistle. Turns out, being injured does wonders to one's fighting. Saki could barely fight at half her capacity and because of that, she was worse for wear. She was annoyed at her injuries. They were getting in her way. If she was all healed up, she could've beaten the man with the moustache in one or two attacks tops.

"Saki!" Chopper cries, running toward her still form desperately. He immediately puts pressure on the worst of her injuries, blood soaking his fur. "I told you! You shouldn't have fought him!"

"Ah, my apologies, Chopper-san. His Haki was quite weak, so I thought I could beat him easily. Unfortunately, I forgot how injured I was," Saki chuckles dryly, but hisses in pain. "I think he broke a rib or two..."

"Eh?!! He was weak?!" Chopper gapes at the swordswoman. "No way!"

"Oi, Chopper. I'm fine. Quickly tend to the Sky Knight and his bird friend," Saki orders with a bloody smile.

"B-But– !"


Chopper nods hesitantly. "O-Okay..."

As he waddles away hurriedly to patch the other two up, Saki conversed with Nyx and Phantom. 'What did he mean by "the one kami wants to see"?'

'Maybe our Haki was so wacky that it sparked the dude's interest,' Nyx suggests.

'Or we're just too cool for kami and he's jealous.'

'I like the second one.'

Nyx sighs in disappointment. 'Of course you do...'

Blood continued to excessively seep out of the swordswoman's wounds and the burns from the guy's fire spear stung. She tries to sit up, but was unsuccessful when blood spurts out and a sharp pain goes through her ribs, causing her to cry out. "Shit..."

'Welp, no more fighting for us.'

'What?! Are you kidding? Once Chopper stitches us up, we'll be fine!'


"HEY, CHOPPER, SAKI!! AREN'T YOU HERE?! DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?!" Zoro's shout caused Saki to lift her head slightly. Nami, Robin, and Zoro had finally returned.

Saki smiles. "Ah, good. They're back," she sighs in relief.

'We are so totally gonna be cursed at once they see all this blood.'

"Bet you they won't."

She was, in fact, cursed out and told off by the crew once they returned.

Luffy had frowned and told her, "No more fighting! Captain's Orders!", Zoro had hit her on the head and called her a dumbass, Nami had gasped and nearly fainted at the sight of that much blood before hitting her too, Usopp was terrified and worried, Sanji had vowed to kill whoever did that to her, and Robin was the only one who helped her sit up properly.

"Thanks, Robin-san," Saki nods in appreciation as the archaeologist sprouts arms for her to lean on.

"No problem, Assassin-san."

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