Murder is the Only Option

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 Nyx had finally arrived at her destination: the foot of the beanstalk where old ruins lay. Robin was already here, without a doubt. Her presence was the only one which felt so... calm. Like the colour purple.

Nyx cautiously enters, looking down at her feet only to find a deep hole in the middle of the path. Someone had cut through the thick layer of land cloud, creating a pit which led beneath the ruins. She smirks, placing her hands on her hips. "Ah, Robin...You're rather smart."

The swordswoman jumps in with no hesitation.

She freefalls for a moment before landing crouched in the soft cloud, ruined pillars surrounding her.

'Woah, this place is cool...'

Nyx straightens, humming in agreement. "Sure is." She glances around, seeing no sign of the archaeologist. "But Robin isn't here which means there was nothing of interest in this part. She's gone that way," she notes before following the peaceful presence.

'I wanna play hide and seek here.'

"You'd lose."

'Would not!'

"You'd giggle too much, loser."

'Nuh uh!'

After arguing about who'd win hide and go seek, Nyx could feel Robin's presence getting larger and more predominant. In fact, she could hear her quiet, muffled voice now. "The only people who knew how to use these symbols were the ones who created the Poneglyph," Robin murmurs to herself before reading aloud, "'Hold the truth in your heart, keep your mouth silent. We are the ones who weave history...with the reverberations of the Great Bell...'" She steps back to further analyse the writings and her surroundings before her.

Nyx sees the woman from a distance, smirk widening. She knew Robin would be here. Having approached silently, Nyx clears her throat to let the archaeologist know she was there. "You found a Poneglyph, did you?" she asks, brow raised.

Robin greets her with a nod of her head. "Not quite. It's the same script of one, though... It says–"

"Don't bother," Nyx waves her off hurriedly, gaze roaming over the letters swiftly. "You don't have to read it to me. I have no need to know."

"Alright." Robin pauses before continuing, "I remember reading that a huge solid bell is here... It was in Noland's papers."

"I see... You want to find it, right?"

Robin hums in confirmation. "The town's books were all burned and the city's history has been erased. I want to find out why."

"Very well. I'll help. I've always enjoyed a good mysterious history," Nyx says, adjusting her beanie, being careful to mind the lilac. "You wanna know what I think, Nico Robin?"

Robin tilts her head in response, silently urging her to continue.

"I think the Golden City of Shandora was destroyed because they tried to protect the Poneglyph from whatever enemy they had." Nyx yawns. "Am I wrong?"

With no hesitation, Robin replies confidently, "I believe you are correct, Nyx. Undeniably so."

Nyx jokingly bows dramatically in thanks. "Why thank you."

'Say hi to Robin for me!!' Saki was quite obviously more energetic now, thanks to her power nap beforehand. She had spaced out for a while, hence why she had hardly said anything until now.

"Saki says hi, by the way."

"Hello, Saki," Robin waves, smiling softly. "Are you feeling better?"

'Yes!! Much better!!'

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