Mafia. Wait what?

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Sort of a filler chapter. From the chapter title, you can probably tell that this is a Mafia AU. It's gonna be a super long one so have fun. Truthfully this could be a whole ass story but I squeezed it into one chapter. This isn't really relevant to the main story so you aren't required to read it either. Thanks for the idea, lol. Be prepared for gore, fluff, and angst, guys.

Gunshots echoed in her ears as she raced toward the door at the end of the hallway. One flew past her ear, barely grazing it as she practically blasts the steel door open with an explosive.

She was caught red-handed in the act of an assassination. Just as she had pulled the trigger on her silenced Glock 17, an innocent short and tired looking woman walked in. Blood had splattered on Saki's black leather jacket and her black cloth mask while the woman screamed loudly. Fair, since she had just witnessed a murder.

Being caught is not a good look for her profession nor resumé.

'I told you that someone was coming! But did you listen? No, of course not! Why would you ever listen to me?'

'Shut up! I'm sorry, okay?!'

Mafia gangs and assassins were common in this part of town. It was a part of life. An everyday sort of thing. Unfortunately, being shot at was also a common occurrence and no one batted an eye as Saki sprinted out of the two story building. The bullets which rained upon her had originated from the ten men with toned muscles chasing her.

Such was life.

Saki was avoiding the bullets thanks to their awful aim and little experience.

As she drew her Glocks from their holsters, she turned around briefly to fire back, successfully knocking down 3 grunts,

'Take a left,' Nyx orders.

Saki screeches to a stop, taking a second to hold out her pointer fingers and thumbs to figure out which way was left.

More shots were fired in her direction and she ducks into the alley to her left to take cover. With her back to the brick wall of the alley, she pokes the barrel or her Glock out and blindly fires. She retracts her Glock and holsters both.

There were footsteps nearing her location, so she quickly turns around and runs toward the end of the alley shrouded in shadows.

Before her was her beautiful shiny black motorbike hidden with the help of the night's darkness.

She pulls her cloth mask off and ties it around her arm with her teeth so she wouldn't lose it. Hurriedly shoving her helmet on, she hops on her motorbike and starts the engine, revving all the way out of the alley.

Shouts reached her ears as she weaved between parked cars, pulling out onto the main road. A bullet was fired and pierced her shoulder. Saki curses, trying to put pressure on the wound while simultaneously driving, making her wobble. She steadies her motorbike, temporarily letting go of her shoulder. Blood seeps out and Saki clenches her jaw.

She looks behind her as the landscape of rundown buildings and sketchy dealers whizz by. The mafia gang was still after her, on their own motorbikes or in their own dodgy cars.

She looks forward once again, eyes widening in horror as she realised she was coming toward a crossroad with lots of traffic.

And she was heading straight into the path of a truck.

The truck's horn blared, warning her of its presence, but she ignored it.

She had a plan to rid herself of the men in hot pursuit.

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