It's Shot Roulette, Bitches

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Nyx is above. For context, the only difference about Saki's and Nyx's appearance is their hair.


"How was your sleep?" Law smirks knowingly.

Saki huffs and pouts. "It was fine..."

The night before, Saki had attempted to resurface the submarine with all of the confusing buttons and switches. Nyx ended up telling her to stop before she accidentally sent everything on fire and blew them all to smithereens.

"Good. I hope you don't have any plans as tonight we're all playing Shot Roulette."

Saki scowls darkly. 'Bastard...I don't even drink and he knows that.'

"What's wrong?" He grins widely.

"I can't drink with my wounds."

Law waves her concerns off. "You have a pass from the doctor."

Of course, she did.

She loved Law, really, but she needed to go see Oyaji and find Ace again. Oyaji was sick and Ace could be getting into all kinds of trouble. She had to find him before he found Teach, too. Even if Ace did promise to not engage in combat with Blackbeard without her, Saki had her doubts. She had to go. She was sure she'd run into Law again soon, anyway.

She had two options:

1. Leave during the day and very possibly get caught within 2 seconds.


2. Leave once everyone was so drunk, they all passed out.

2 sounded like the better option. Oh, if only she knew how that would get thrown right back into her face. She was going to play Shot Roulette, for god's sake. Saki + alcohol = a very drunk and giggly Saki.

She might have to swap out with Nyx tonight.

After all, Nyx can hold her liqueur.


The day had passed rather uneventfully. And Saki was bored. Every time she tried to sneak out of bed for a walk, Law was coincidentally there to scold her.

So, in short, today sucked.

'Can we swap out already~?'

'No. I want this peaceful feeling to last.'

'The peaceful feeling of not having to talk to people?'

'Yes. Law will also notice if your hair goes from red to purple.'

'So? He loves hanging out with his sadist of a bestie.'

​​​​​​ 'I'm gonna kick everyone's asses in Shot Roulette.'


Saki startles at Law's sudden appearance. "Hiya, Law. I'm hungry," she complains.

Law smirks. "Well, we've decided to not eat dinner to make Shot Roulette more fun."

Saki gapes at him. "We're drinking on empty stomachs??! You bastard!"

His smirk widens. "I doubt even Nyx will be able to stay sober."

'Wanna bet?' Nyx scoffs.

"Nyx asked if you wanna bet."

"Depends." He looks at Saki's bandages. "I'll have to check your injuries and re-wrap them," he states.

Saki attempts to rolls her eyes, but only succeeded in rolling the non-injured one. "Fine..."


The time had come for the dreaded Shot Roulette.

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