This Dark Aura...

257 13 8

Before I start this chapter, I would like to thank you all for supporting me. I really appreciate all your comments. You have no idea how excited I get when a notification pops up saying someone commented. I love every single one of you!!!


"Hey, Nyx? Are we nearly at Sabaody? Or Ace?" Saki mumbles, laying on her small sailboat like a starfish, entirely disregarding the fact that Law said not to do it.

Nyx sighs. 'You couldn't be farther.'

Saki grins. "So we're close?"


Saki slumps in defeat and sighs disappointedly. "Dammit...."

'Saki. "You couldn't be farther" is an expression meaning that you are nowhere near your destination.' Phantom explains as if he's talking to a child. A very dumb child.

"Oh." Saki props her legs up onto the side of the boat, crosses them and lazily places her hands behind her head. She winces when the stitches on her shoulder rub against her clothing. "So...what's the next island then?"

'If you stay on course...which I highly doubt, the next island is Jaya which is about a day away. Somehow, we skipped Long Ring Long Land. Also, we're on a totally different course again. I think, we're back on the Alabasta path.'

Saki yawns. "Well, that sucks. We ran out of food yesterday and water is running low." She chuckles. "We might die."

'What are you laughing at?!'


Any person sailing by would never in their right mind try to help this girl. All they'd hear is her talking to absolutely nothing and confirm the rumours that the Black Blade Assassin is indeed crazy. Like, really crazy.

Except...for these dumbasses sailing past. "OI!!!"

Saki drowsily raises her head and squints into the sunlight with both her eyes. (Her bruised eye was nearly healed. Just a bit of discolouration around it, but other than that, it was fine.) "Huh. I'm going crazy. I'm hearing things."

Oh, the irony.

Nyx and Phantom had to hold in their hysteric laughter.


"Huh, there it is again. Eh. Who cares. Someone just probably fell overboard or something." Saki rests her head on her hands once again, pulling her beanie over her eyes in the process.

"Is that Saki?!"



"Join my crew!!!"

"That sounds suspiciously like Nami, Sanji, Chopper, Usopp and Luffy...." Saki yawns. "Am I asleep or awake? I dunno..." Saki suddenly bolts upright at something.....rubbery wrapping around her waist. She blinks drowsily. And.....she's soaring across the air towards a familiar caravel with the adorable ram figurehead. "'s the Going Merry...I'm flying, too...OH BLOODY HELL—"


Saki ended up crashing into the sleeping Zoro, knocking the wind out of him.

Nyx and Phantom couldn't hold in their laughter any longer. 'AHAHAHAHA, YOU JUST WENT LIKE, oh look I'm flying, to, AHHHH BLOODY HELL!!! HAHAHAHAHA'


Saki sits up grumpily, glaring at the talking sword on her waist. "Shut up...." she mutters. "You guys are awful...." Law would be scolding her too. The stitches on her shoulder have torn and the ones on her thigh are close to tearing, too.

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