I'll Miss You, Tra-chan

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Nyx woke up with a killer hangover and sore limbs from sleeping in the pantry. "Fuckkkkkkk...I hate my life..."

'Why the hell did you drink so much...?' Saki mumbles.

"It's fucking shot roulette, of course I drunk a bloody killer load of alcohol."

'I don't care what you say, I ain't swapping out with you, Nyx.'

"Like hell you aren't."

'I won't be able to walk straight! And the light kills,' Saki complains.

"I don't give a fuck. I hate people. Fucking take over already," Nyx demands.

'No way!' Saki childishly argues. 'Walking with a hangover and injuries will make me want to fall into the sea and drown!'

"And I would actually act on that thought," Nyx points out with a glare to the ceiling of the pantry. She still hadn't moved.

Saki remains slient, mulling it over. 'That...is unfortunately true. Ugh, fine!' she gives in.

Nyx smirks victoriously.

'But...don't you want to know about Law's new heart technique?'

Nyx curses and Saki internally grins, knowing she got Nyx. "Fuck. Fine. I'll get up, eat breakfast, Law will tell me about cutting out hearts, and then we swap back! Alright?"

'Also, for someone who constantly reminds me to talk in my head, you seem to be doing a shit job at it yourself.'

Nyx scowls, opting to ignore Saki and slowly stand to her feet. Her headache rages and her wounds burn. Stumbling out of the pantry, the light assaults her eyes and Nyx hisses. "Shit. Fucking bloody light."

She unhooks her swords from her hip and leans them up against the kitchen bench, relieving her of their extra weight.

She heads towards the sink in the kitchen and grabs herself a glass, pouring some water while leaning on the cupboard for balance. She skulls the water down, only taking a breath once she finished the glass. "I'm so fucking thirsty, hungry, and dizzy."

'And grumpy.'

"Shut up."



"You're up, Nyx-ya."

Nyx turns to see Law not faring much better than herself. He had dark bags under his eyes and looked irritated as fuck. "I was sleeping in the fucking pantry."

"I figured." His tone was clipped, as if he couldn't deal with people this morning.

Nyx didn't blame him.

Law follows Nyx's example and pours himself a cup of water, chugging one, two, three glasses. "I'll give you a checkup on your injuries before you go."

Nyx nods.

'Ask him about the heart!!'

"Try your new technique on me."


Law raises an eyebrow and he shrugs indifferently. "In a bit. My head is killing me."

"You and me both."

The two slide down against the kitchen bench and sit on the ground, silently dying from their hangovers.

Until Nyx's stomach growls. She sighs. "I'm hungry. Got anything good I can make? I can't be bothered waiting for your cook."

Law points towards the pantry. "We have instant ramen." He knew how much Saki loved it.

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