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 Luffy had finally defeated Enel. With his last attack, he sent the god flying into the golden bell, successfully ringing it– As an added bonus, Luffy had split the ark in half with that one attack.

The bell chimes beautifully, its song echoing throughout the sky.

The song which signals the end of this battle.

The Knight, a random little girl (when did she get here?), Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, and Nyx stand in Upper Yard, below where the fight had taken place. They all gaze up into the sky, listening to the peaceful toll of the bell.

"Heh... He did it," Nyx muses, a small smile donning her features as Luffy's hat casts a shadow over her eyes. She doesn't want to admit it, but he was beginning to grow on her.

How annoying, indeed.

"Huh? Nyx?" Zoro jerks his head toward her, having heard her little comment. "How the hell did you get down here?!!" he gapes at her, jaw dropped in comical shock. "Weren't you with Luffy?"

"I have my ways," she replies vaguely, not bothering to look away from Luffy falling from the sky. "Say, Roronoa, do you have any vodka?"

"Why would I have vodka?" he asks, scrunching his face up in disgust. "Sake is so much better, dumbass."

"Yeah, because you have a low alcohol tolerance," the swordswoman retorts with a glare. What the hell did he mean? Vodka is supreme. Vodka is life. This man has his head screwed on wrong, for sure.

"Wanna fucking bet?" Zoro snaps back, standing over her– He was trying (and failing) to make her feel intimidated. He wasn't that much taller than her, after all.

'Oh no. No no no no no. I swear to god, please don't get wasted,' Saki begs, already foreseeing the consequences those three words would bring. She doesn't want to go through this again.

Zoro's reply caught Nyx's attention immediately. "10,000 beri," she suggests with a sly smirk. She couldn't turn down such a fun offer, now could she? Without a doubt, she can outdrink Zoro from under the table. Not only will she drink, but also earn money for it?



'She ignored you,' Phantom cackles in amusement at Saki's suffering.

'I'm going to die.'

The two shake hands in finality.

Time to outdrink that overgrown bush.


Before the celebrations even began, Zoro had passed out thanks to Nyx's inhumane tolerance. (In other words, she punched him in the head so she would win. She wasn't gonna give him that much money from the start, to be honest.)

Ha, you really thought Zoro could beat her?

Think again, sweetheart.

"I'm ten thousand beri richer," Nyx hums in triumph, swirling her bottle of vodka around. "That little drinking session with Law upped my tolerance even more..." she concludes with a smug smirk. "I've decided that from now on, Zoro will be my drinking friend."

'Did you just say... "friend"?' Phantom asks incredulously. 'I believe you should stop drinking if you're saying that...'

"Nah," Nyx waves his concerns off, taking another sip of alcohol. "Sanji got some good vodka in storage."

'Yeah, that's the problem. I think Saki's down for the count already.'

"What a wuss."

'Fook ya,' Saki slurs in some... weird accent.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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