iv. magic bullet

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A crowd of colorful sneakers passes through the hall, students rushing to class. As the hallway clears of people, a dark figure steps in... Derek. Pale, with black circles under his eyes, bloody bandages can be seen underneath his jacket sleeve. A remaining student or two gaze at him. He pays no attention as the bell rings, moving with focus toward two teenagers stood at a locker.

Jackson turns to see Derek coming right for him. He takes an involuntary step back as Cody looks back in confusion.

"Where's Scott McCall?" Derek asks sternly.

Jackson slams his locker, standing up straighter. "Why should I tell you?"

"Because I asked you politely. And I only do that once."

Cody snorts in response as does Jackson. "Okay, tough guy." The Whittemore boy takes a step forward. "How about I help you if you tell me what you're selling him?" Derek throws him a confused look. "What is it? Dianabol? HGH?"

Derek scoffs in realization. "Steroids."

Jackson chuckles, "No, Girl Scout Cookies. What the hell do you think I'm talking about? And by the way, whatever else you're selling? I'd stop sampling the merchandise. You look wrecked."

Derek sizes Jackson up, practically smelling the desperate need for power on him. "I'll find him myself." Derek murmurs. He turns to go, but Jackson grabs him by the shoulder.

"Hey, we're not done--" Jackson doesn't get to finish before Derek grabs him by the neck. Jackson tries to pry his fingers off but he's too strong. He gasps, choking as Derek sinks his claws into his neck. Cody lunges forward, pushing Derek sharply, causing him to stumble backward. Jackson doubles over, sucking in air as Derek runs off, realizing what he's done. Cody checks on Jackson, looking back to see Derek disappear around the corner.

"Dude, what the hell?" Cody says in disbelief, watching as Jackson winces, fingertips coming away bloody from the claw marks. Cody's eyes widen as he glances back in the direction Derek ran off in. "Oh my God. Dude needs to clip his nails."


Lydia and Allison come down the stairs in the school hallway, heading for their next class. "We're just studying together." Allison says.

Lydia chuckles, "Just studying never ends with just studying. It's like getting into a hot tub. Somebody eventually cops a feel."

Allison furrows her brows, "So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying... make sure he covers up." Allison looks at her in confusion, making Lydia chuckle. "Hello, Snow White, I'm talking about a condom."

Allison chuckles in disbelief, "Are you kidding? After one date?"

Lydia shrugs, "Well, don't be a total prude. Give him a little taste."

Allison looks around self consciously, "Well how much is a little taste?" She murmurs.

Lydia looks at her in surprise. "Oh God. You really like him, don't you?"

Allison shakes her head, "I don't know. When I first got here I had this plan: no boyfriends until college. I just - move too much. But then I met him, and - I don't know he was just really nice. I can't explain it."

"I can. It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine."

Allison chuckles in confusion, "What?"

"I'll tell you what to do. When's he coming over?"

"Right after school." She answers, her eyes trailing behind Lydia when she notices a blond head of floppy hair walk by. Her brows furrow for a second before she holds up her hand, "Uh, I'll talk to you later." She says before trying to catch up with Cody.

"Hey." Allison calls, causing the boy to stop.

"Oh. Hey." Cody greets, trying to mask how nervous he is. He glances around awkwardly as she stares at him, unsure of what to say.

"Do you think we could - talk... for a sec?"

Cody nods before he allows the girl to lead him into a secluded section of the hallway. She turns to him as they stop, a nervous smile on her face. She chuckles awkwardly as she scratches her eyebrow, "Uh, so we haven't talked since before the bowling date." The boy nods, waiting for her to continue. "What - who were you talking about when you said you want one girl and she's already taken?"

Cody chuckles as he looks down, shaking his head. "I think you know."

"Me." She says, a hint of uncertainty in her tone. Allison sighs, fighting back a smile as she shakes her head. "Cody, I'm - I'm with Scott."

"Obviously." He says, not phased. "It's not like you two are married."

Allison chuckles, "Yeah, but we are dating."

Cody sighs, "I know you like him, but I don't think you're crazy about him, it hasn't been that long. Tell me I'm wrong."

Allison swallows thickly as she hesitates, the boy taking a step forward. "Cody..." She whispers, her tone saying whatever he's doing is a bad idea. Still, she feels her heart stop as his breath tingles on her lips.

"I'm not gonna do anything. But tell me... that I'm the only here who feels something. And I'll leave you alone."

Her dark eyes can't stop staring into his blue ones, desperately trying to get her mouth to work. When she doesn't answer, he smiles knowingly. He doesn't say anything else before he walks away, leaving the girl stunned.

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