xi. formality

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In the dimly-lit basement, a tense atmosphere envelops the room. Kate meticulously adjusts the current on the control board, while Derek, in his transformed state, gasps weakly against the restraints. The static buzz gradually fades, allowing him a momentary respite. Meanwhile, Allison, barely breathing herself, watches from a cautious distance.

As the tension thickens, Allison finally breaks the silence. "What is he?" she queries, her voice tinged with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Kate meets her gaze, her expression unflinching. "I think you already know the answer to that," she retorts, her arms crossed. "Maybe you don't want to say it because it gets a little too real when you hear it out loud? Shape-shifter. Lycan. Werewolf. Whatever. To me, he's just another dumb animal."

With a calculated twist of the dial, Kate sends a surge of electricity coursing through Derek's body, eliciting a pained scream from him. Allison's eyes widen in shock, and she can't help but voice her concern. "What are you doing to him? Is that going to kill him?"

Kate dismissively scoffs, her demeanor unapologetic. "Oh, kiddo, don't get all ethical on me now," she retorts, the corner of her lips curling into a sardonic grin. "The electric charge just keeps him friendly." She nonchalantly examines Derek's fangs, as though inspecting a wild animal. "See these? Canines. Also known as fangs. Made for the rending and tearing of flesh. Not something you find on cute, leaf-eating herbivores." She boldly pulls Derek closer, firmly gripping his chin.

Allison, still struggling to comprehend the situation, voices her disbelief. "This is a joke to you," she states with a hint of confusion in her tone.

Kate chuckles dryly, her amusement evident. "Sweetheart, werewolves are running around in the world. Everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane?" With a casual gesture, she allows Derek's head to drop, his chin falling to his chest.

Leaving the underground room behind, Kate leads Allison down a dark corridor. As they walk, Allison continues her questioning. "So, was it him in the school? And all of the animal attacks?"

Kate provides a cryptic response, hinting at a larger, ominous picture. "There's three of them. Another young one like him, called a Beta. And then there's the Alpha."

"What's an Alpha?"

Kate offers a succinct and chilling description. "The pack leader. Bigger. Stronger. Nastier. Those are the real ugly motherfuckers."

Fluorescent bulbs flicker overhead as they navigate the corridor, eventually arriving at a large steel door. Allison, now feeling a mix of apprehension and anger, presses further. "When were they going to tell me?" she demands to know.

Kate's response hints at a lack of trust in Allison's ability to handle the truth. "They still haven't decided if they're going to tell you."

"Why not?"

"Let's just say if you react badly when you find out, not good."

"What do you mean not good?"

"They don't think you can handle it. They see a frightened little girl who's going to run crying into a corner when she hears the truth."

Intrigued by Kate's perspective, Allison seeks more clarity. "What do you see?"

"Natural talent."

"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"

"Go to school, do your homework, go to the formal Friday night. Be a normal teenage girl who doesn't know anything. And trust me to get everything ready for the next part."

"The next part? What's the next part?"

"You're going to help me catch the second Beta."

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