xiii. omega

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"There's lasagna in the fridge, kids! Help yourselves!" Mrs. Argent's cheerful voice echoes up the staircase.

Upstairs, in the sanctuary of her bedroom, Allison sits perched on the edge of her bed, an eager smile illuminating her face. Cody is just taking off his shoes near her bedroom door, a grin tugging at his lips as he catches her eye. She can't help but giggle, extending her arms toward him and wiggling her fingers.

He chuckles as he walks over and wraps her in a hug, pulling her tightly against him. Allison sighs in relief, "I'm glad you're here," she murmurs into his shoulder.

With a light laugh, Cody pulls away, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "You just saw me yesterday."

Her eyebrows arch cheekily as he sits down beside her on the bed. "So?"

He lets out a chuckle before she glances at his lips, leaning in to kiss him. Their lips meet softly, a gentle connection that still manages to send tingles down her spine. His hand rises to cup her cheek, his thumb caressing her skin.

Her smile grows as she pulls away, her eyes locking with his. "I know that lasagna is gonna be so good." he enthuses, flopping down onto the bed and laying his head on one of her pillows.

Allison giggles, resting her head on his chest. "Did you wanna eat now?"

He shakes his head, his arm instinctively wrapping around her waist. "No it's fine, I wanna lay here for a bit," he murmurs, his voice tinged with contentment. She simply nods, focusing on the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear.

"You know, she really likes you," Allison says softly after a moment, causing Cody to lift his eyebrows in inquiry. "My mom, I mean. I think you remind her of my dad when he was younger."

Cody laughs, albeit a bit nervously. "She's probably not gonna be a fan once she finds out my sister's turning into a werewolf."

A frown tugs at the corners of Allison's mouth. "We don't know that for sure."

He sighs, his chest rising and falling beneath her. "Peter bit her." His words hang heavy in the air, but she offers him a sympathetic look in return. With a resigned nod, Cody hums thoughtfully, "Still, it's surprising how warm she's been to me. I mean, I didn't even have to employ any of my ninja-like stealth moves to come see you."

Allison chuckles, tightening her grip around him. "I know, it's great having a boyfriend my parents actually approve of." The words slip out of Allison's mouth before she even realizes what she's said. Her eyes widen a little, and she looks at Cody, who is now sporting a grin.

"What did you just say?" He asks, watching her face get redder by the second.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She tries to play it off but she can't control her smile.

"You said boyfriend. You called me your boyfriend." He repeats, the girl squinting in embarrassment as she scratches her forehead.

"Well... aren't you?" She finally says, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "I mean, you come over, and we kiss and cuddle, and you've practically become my mom's sous chef-" 

She stops talking when he lets out a chuckle, looking at her in adoration. "Well if you want me to be your boyfriend, you have to ask me."

Allison smiles, raising her eyebrows, "You want me to ask you?"

Cody nods, sitting up as he crosses his arms. "Mhm."

Shaking her head but still grinning from ear to ear, Allison decides to play along. "Alright, fine. Cody... will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

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