xvi. abomination

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The navy blue t-shirt hits the floor with a soft thud, swallowed by the tangle of Cody's sheets. Allison doesn't waste time admiring his toned physique, though, she's too focused on the way his lips part in surprise as she yanks him onto her. His hands immediately fumble with the hem of her tank top, a silent question in their touch.

"Take it off," she whispers.

He pulls away, his eyes searching hers. "Are you okay with that?"

She meets his gaze, her own lips curving into a playful smile. "Are you okay with that?" she counters, her voice a teasing lilt.

He chuckles, "I'm very okay with that." His words are a whisper against her lips, and she can feel the heat rising in her cheeks. She can't help but smile as he takes her shirt off, leaving her in a black bralette.

He's back before she can blink. Her fingers tangle in his hair, tugging gently as his lips trail kisses up her stomach, sending shivers dancing across her skin. He reaches her neck, and she sucks in a breath at the heat of his touch.

Her fingers trace down his chest, absently toying with the edge of his belt. He flinches, his breath hitching. "It's bothering me, can you take it off?"

He nods, unsure if it's the truth or just a clever ploy to get him closer. Either way, he complies, his fingers fumbling with the buckle with an uncharacteristic clumsiness that makes her smile. The belt joins the discarded shirt on the floor, another silent testament to the rising heat in the room.

Their lips meet again, the two of them clearly searching for more. His hands roam her body, familiar now beneath his touch. She runs her fingers through his hair, tugging him closer, her nails scraping lightly against the back of his neck.

He suddenly pulls away, his eyes trailing across the floor as he listens carefully. Allison looks at him in confusion as his eyes then widen and he scrambles to his feet, gathering his discarded shirt and throwing it on with a haste that borders on panic. He shoves Allison's tank top into her hands, the girl putting it on just as a knock sounds on his door.

"Cody?" Ms. Martin calls.

He's at the door in a flash, plastering a goofy grin on his face. "Hey, mom!" he chirps, the forced cheerfulness making him look like a deer caught in headlights. Ms. Martin, her brow furrowed, gives him a long, searching look. "Hello... I picked up your meds from the pharmacy." She says, handing him the paper bags.

"Thank you..." He replies, waiting for her to leave but she lingers. 

She peaks her head around the corner, looking at his bed where Allison sits, perfectly still, too perfect. "Hi, Allison." Ms. Martin greets in an almost knowing manner. Allison manages a shy wave and a smile, her heart pounding against her ribs.

Ms. Martin finally turns back to her son as she walks back to the door, her voice dropping to a whisper. "It's getting late, don't let her stay much longer." She says before disappearing down the hall.

The door clicks shut, leaving Cody and Allison alone with the echo of their interrupted encounter. He lets out a sigh as he puts the bags on his dresser, his shoulders slumping. Then, with a forced smile, he jumps back into bed, opening his arms for her.

He runs his hands through her hair, the gesture a comfort against the sudden awkwardness that fills the room. "I'm glad you heard her because I definitely didn't." She says finally, her voice barely a whisper. He lets out a hearty laugh that makes her smile, breaking a bit of tension that's left in the room.

She reaches for the hand that rests on his stomach, tracing the lines on his palm with her fingertip. "I... didn't know you took meds." The words come out hesitant, unsure how he'll react. Cody nods even though he wants nothing to do with where this conversation is heading. "What do you take? If you don't mind me asking..."

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