xviii. frenemy

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The headlights of Allison's car illuminate the driveway of the Martin residence before her humming engine comes to stop. Cody and Lydia exit the vehicle, their movements slow, weighed down by the evening's events. Cody shoots Lydia a meaningful glance, a silent request for a moment of privacy, before he heads toward the driver's side while Lydia makes her way inside the house.

Cody approaches Allison's window, the cool night air carrying the faint scent of pine and earth. He lets out a heavy sigh, resting his hand in the window frame. "Thanks for the ride,"

"Yeah, of course. You okay?" Allison's concern is evident in her tone, her gaze searching his face for signs of the turmoil he's surely feeling.

"Yeah. Just - I'm gonna have to explain all of this to Lydia, and I'm already tired after getting my ass beat,"

Allison lets out a gentle chuckle, her hand reaching out to cover his, "We all got our ass beat. I'm surprised Stiles doesn't have a concussion with the way Isaac flung him across the room," she remarks, her voice light, trying to bring a moment of levity to the heavy atmosphere.

Cody laughs, the sound a welcome relief in the tense night. "Only time will tell," he replies, a wry smile playing on his lips. Allison's eyes linger on his face, her expression softening as if she wants to say more but can't find the words. Finally, Cody breaks the silence, "I should get inside. I'll text you?"

Allison nods, a small, reassuring smile gracing her lips. "Yeah."

He leans in, closing the space between them, and plants a soft, lingering kiss on her lips. "Goodnight," he murmurs.



Cody takes a deep breath as he slowly walks to Lydia's room, the weight of the impending conversation pressing heavily on his shoulders. Before he can even knock, the door swings open abruptly, possibly hearing the sound of his crutches tapping against the wood. Lydia stands there, her face a tumult of confusion and anger.

"Why was Derek there? Where did Jackson go? And what the hell is wrong with Erica?" she demands, her questions firing rapidly like bullets from a gun.

Cody steps into her room, the familiar surroundings starkly contrasting with the chaos of the night. "I know this all seems overwhelming, and it's going to sound unbelievable, but just let me explain," he says.

Lydia huffs, sitting on the edge of her bed with her arms crossed defensively. "Fine. Start talking."

He sits beside her, collecting his thoughts for a moment. "You know how strange things have been with Jackson lately?"

Lydia nods, her eyes sharp with a mix of skepticism and genuine concern.

"That's because Jackson isn't just Jackson anymore. He's become something known as a Kanima, it's a... a supernatural creature, I guess." Cody explains, watching Lydia's reaction carefully.

"A Kanima? Cody, what are you talking about?" Lydia's skepticism is clear, but her voice quivers slightly, betraying her intrigue.

Cody continues, "That's why Jackson has been acting so out of character. I don't think he knows it's happening, or he doesn't wanna believe it but it's him. And Derek was there because he's part of this supernatural world too. He's a werewolf, and he's been trying to help us figure this out. Or, mostly just trying to kill it. Jackson, I mean."

Lydia's eyes widen in disbelief, but she remains silent, encouraging Cody to keep going.

"Erica... she was paralyzed because of the Kanima's venom. It's one of its abilities. She's a werewolf too, and she was turned by Derek, who's an Alpha, the leader. So was Isaac and Boyd, and Scott's a werewolf too but he was turned by Peter, Derek's uncle, who was the Alpha but he's now dead because Derek killed him by slashing his throat." Cody rambles, letting out a breath when he's done.

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