x. co-captain

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A gleaming white night floods the night sky. As the brilliant glow focuses into a bank of spotlights over the lacrosse field, a chant rises up. 

"State! State! State!" Fists reach into the light, pumping in unison. Amidst the rush of fans crowding the team at the benches, only one face doesn't seem ecstatic over the win: Scott McCall.

With a resounding crash, the doors fling open, releasing the cacophony of chanting fans into the narrow hallway. Scott, his eyes scanning urgently, pushes his way through the sea of euphoria, desperately inquiring, "Stiles? Has anyone seen Stiles?"

A few players ahead, Cody's curious gaze wanders in search of Stiles. His quest, however, takes an unexpected turn when he finds himself face-to-face with Allison, pressed together by the surging mob. For a brief, awkward second, their eyes lock, their proximity palpable. 

Cody opens his mouth to speak, but before he can, Brian interjects with a shrill cry, "State! State! State!" Irritated, both Cody and Allison turn to glare at him until he decides to direct his chants elsewhere.

"You were... pretty amazing out there," Allison remarks, a shy smile gracing her lips. Her demeanor seems subtly transformed, as if a shift had occurred within her.

Cody responds with an infectious grin, "Thanks, you too. I mean – that's not what I meant."

A soft chuckle escapes Allison's lips, "No, I did some impressive cheering out there. You can thank me."

Cody beams, "You did?"

With a nod, she affirms, "Absolutely. I transitioned from 'Go, Team, Go' to 'Defense, Defense' without a - a breath. I brought my A-game," she adds, her smile radiant as she meets his gentle gaze.

The commotion surrounding them seems to recede into the background as he finds himself captivated by Allison's charming effort. Their moment, however, is short-lived, interrupted once more by Brian, who reinserts himself between them, chanting, "State! State!" 

Cody shoots him a withering glare, causing Brian to retreat, allowing Cody to refocus his attention on Allison. But she's already down the hall, her arm now linked with Argent's, the two of them gracefully departing with the dissipating crowd.


Slivers of moonlight reach across the dark expanse of Allison's room, casting ethereal streaks of silvery luminescence that converge upon her bed. She lies there, wide awake on her stomach, wrestling with sleep.

The moment she lets her eyes close, a shadow falls over her. Cody eases up behind her, gently moving her hair aside to softly kiss the nape of her neck. But when she turns over, rolling to her side, she finds herself once again alone in her room. 

Until fingers begin tracing lightly up her arm. Next to her, he draws his hand up over her shoulder, and Allison turns again, this time onto her back. She squeezes her eyes closed, trying to shut him out of her imagination.

But a moment later, Cody slips on top of her again, softly touching his lips to her neck, then to the edge of her chin, making his way to her lips. She rises to meet his kiss and sits up in the dark, alone and exasperated. 

Her fingers move to her neck where she imagined him touching her and then... she feels around her throat as if something is missing. Something like a necklace. Standing, she crosses to her desk to find the book that was holding her necklace lies empty. She clicks on the light and begins searching her room, pulling open drawers and looking under pillows, moving more frantically. But it's nowhere to be found.

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