vii. night school

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The stairwell door slams open. Scott and the others spill out into the second floor hallway. They try doors. All locked. Until Lydia finds an open one and they hurtle into a Chemistry room, quickly and quietly shutting the door. Scott grabs the teacher's chair and fits it under the knob as they hear the stairwell door slam open. Everyone backs away to the sides of the wall where they can't be seen at the window of the door, each holding their breath.

Jackson, Lydia, Allison, Cody, Scott and Stiles, all press to the wall in terror. Closest to the door, Scott slowly leans out from the wall. Stiles grabs at him, trying to get him to pull back. But Scott cocks his head, listening... He hears the click of claws against the tile floor. The creature coming closer and closer. The door rattles from the weight of its approach. Lydia covers her mouth with her hands, trying not to shriek as a breath steams the window at the door. And then...
It moves on, the sound of its lumbering body dissipating. After a moment, the kids breathe. But no one moves.

Eyes still on the window of the door, Scott whispers, "Jackson, how many people can fit in
your car?"

"Five if somebody squeezes onto someone's lap."

"Five? We barely fit into the back." Allison whispers harshly.

"There's also six of us." Cody says. "I mean, I'm good with leaving McCall here since he's the one who dragged us into this mess."

Scott throws him an offended look as Stiles rolls his eyes, "It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention."

"What about this?" Scott's eyes to the steel door past the teacher's desk. "It leads to the roof. We could go down the fire escape to the parking lot in seconds." He says, him and Stiles walking over to it.

"That's a dead bolt." Stiles points out.

"The Janitor has a key." He whispers.

"You mean his body has it."

"I can get it. I can find him by scent. By blood."

"Gee, that's an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?"

"I'm getting the key." He says to the others, heading for the door.

"Are you serious?" Allison asks in disbelief.

"It's the best plan. Somebody has to get the key if we want to get out of here." Scott says.

"You can't go out there unarmed." Allison whispers.

Scott grabs the teacher's pointer from the chalkboard, gripping it like a baseball bat. Then notices their looks. "It's better than nothing!"

"There's got to be something else..." Stiles thinks.

"There is." Lydia says. She nods to the cabinet full of chemicals.

"What are we gonna do, throw acid on him?"

"No, like a firebomb. In there is everything you need to make a self- igniting Molotov Cocktail." She explains, a smile rising to Cody's face. She then notices everyone's stares. "What? I read it somewhere."

Stiles sighs, "Well, we don't have the key to that either."

Jackson rolls his eyes before sends his leather clad elbow through the glass.

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