xiv. shape-shifted

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Cody guides Allison by the hand, their fingers intertwined, as they make their way up the staircase of his house. Old family photos decorate the walls, capturing various stages of Cody and Lydia's childhood, along with a handful of vacation pictures.

When they reach the top of the stairs, he leads her down a short hallway decorated with a more recent family portrait and a watercolor painting that Lydia had made years ago. They stop in front of a wooden door adorned with an assortment of stickers—bands he likes, quotes from video games, and of course, a classic "Enter at Your Own Risk" sign hangs at eye level.

Cody grins and turns the doorknob. "Prepare yourself for the inner sanctum,"

His room is an eclectic mix of interests. One wall is dominated by a massive bookshelf overflowing with books, graphic novels, and a myriad of action figures. His desk, cluttered with sketchbooks and an expensive computer setup, sits in front of a large window that lets in the afternoon light. On another wall, a mounted corkboard displays photos, drawings, and even a few arrows, creating a visual timeline of his life so far.

His bed is sort of made, the duvet cover pulled up in a manner that suggests he attempted tidiness but was in too much of a hurry to perfect it.

Cody looks a bit self-conscious as he kicks a stray sock under the bed. "Sorry about the mess."

Allison smiles, "I love it." He takes a seat in his gaming chair, rolling it closer to her until their knees are almost touching. He hesitates for a moment, searching her eyes. "What?" she asks, noticing the thoughtful expression on his face.

"I just wanted to ask you some things. About your family. Actually, your grandfather," he says, his tone serious now.

"Okay... But I don't really know him. He's kind of just a guy who sends a check every year for my birthday."

Cody nods, "Does he know about Scott? That he's a werewolf?"

Allison shakes her head firmly. "No. My dad hasn't said anything. Trust me, it wouldn't be good for anyone if he did." Cody gives an understanding scoff, making it evident that he grasps the complexity of the situation more than she might realize. "What is it? Did something happen?"

"They made some... changes to the code," He tells her. "Scott told me your grandfather now insists that the Argents kill every—single werewolf alive."

Allison's eyes widen in shock. "What?" she exclaims, clearly taken aback. "So, genocide," she deadpans, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Yeah, I guess so," Cody sighs, his shoulders sagging slightly under the weight of the information.

"Are you—worried? About Scott?" Allison probes, her eyebrows arching upwards. Cody fights back a smile, and Allison's eyes widen in realization. "You're worried about him! Since when did you two get so close?"

"We're not, really," Cody reassures her. "But I don't wanna see the guy die! Your grandfather is next-level scary."

Allison sighs and leans in, her arms wrapping around his neck. "Okay, well, I'll make sure my dad doesn't say anything, alright?"

"Thank you," he whispers, feeling her fingers gently caress his cheek. She leans in, her lips meeting his in a soft, reassuring kiss. Their cheeks touch, their lips brush against each other as they separate just enough to speak. "Your parents were okay with you coming over this late?" he asks, curiosity glinting in his eyes.

She brushes his hair out of his eyes, her fingertips lightly tracing the contours of his forehead. "My parents are out," she says, her eyes twinkling.

His eyebrows furrow. "Out?"

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