v. the tell

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Allison walks into the school, a certain pendant of a wolf around her neck as she opens her locker door. She flinches when balloons flutter out, a birthday card attached. "Lydia." She murmurs in realization. Her eyebrows furrow when she notices another envelope, opening it in curiosity. It reads:

a little birdie told me ur 17 today. was never into cougars but for you i'll make an exception :) happy birthday, beautiful
- C

Allison chuckles, shaking her head as she sticks her hand in the envelope, pulling out a small, red rose. She then digs a little deeper, finding a silver bracelet. She smiles to herself as she smells the rose, forgetting that she has balloons sticking out of her locker.

"Is it your birthday?" She hears Scott ask, her eyes widening as she stuffs the rose into the envelope before shoving it into her locker.

"No. I mean, yes. But don't tell anyone. I don't even know how Lydia found out."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott wonders.

"I don't want a lot of people to know. Since... I'm seventeen."

Scott's eyes widen, "Wh - You're seventeen?"

"And that's the reaction I'm trying to avoid." She says, feigning annoyance.

"Why? I get it. You had to repeat a year because of all the moving around, right?"

She shuts the locker before she kisses him on the lips.

"What was that for?" He asks, a smile on his face.

"For literally being the first person to ever make the correct assumption. Everyone else says "What? Were you held back? Are you stupid? Did you ride the short bus? Uh, did you have a baby?"

Scott raises his eyebrows, "That's what you hear on your birthday?"

"All day long."

"Then... what if we got out of here?" Scott suggests.

"Skip class?" Allison asks in uncertainty.

He nods, "The whole day."

The girl chuckles, "You're asking someone who's never skipped one class to just bail on an entire day."

"See, that's perfect. If you get caught they'll go easy on you."

"What if you get caught?"

"Let's try not to think about that..." Scott murmurs as he leads the girl out of the school.


Taking his seat in chemistry class, Stiles looks for Scott, but there's no sign of him. Mr. Harris stands at the front of the classroom, looking out to his students. "Just a friendly reminder:
Parent/Teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a C average are required to attend. I won't name you since the shame and self- disgust should be more than enough punishment. And has anyone seen Scott McCall?"

No one responds.

The door opens and in comes Jackson, something slightly off about him. He's insanely spooked after the scary animal encounter last night at the video store. Everyone watches him. Harris makes his way to Jackson as he sits away from Cody, the boy looking at him in confusion. "Jackson, if you need to leave early
for any reason... You let me know." Harris says. The boy just glares at him, annoyed by the pity. "Everyone, start reading Chapter
Nine. And Mr. Stilinski try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's Chemistry. Not a coloring book."

Capping his highlighter, Stiles leans toward Cody who is sitting in front of him. "Cody. Can I ask you a question?" Stiles whispers.

"No." Cody murmurs, not bothering to glance back at him.

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