xvii. venemous

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The air in the chemistry lab is thick with the scent of chemicals as Scott and Stiles dash into the classroom just as the bell for the beginning of Chemistry Labs rings. They're followed by Allison and Cody, with Allison matching her pace to Cody's slower, more deliberate steps, his crutches clicking rhythmically against the linoleum floor.

As they make their way to their seats, Cody's eyes drift across the room, landing on Scott and Stiles, who have positioned themselves on either side of Lydia, their stances protective, almost like modern-day knights. Cody sends a questioning look toward Scott, who responds with a subtle nod towards Erica and Isaac. They're seated across the room, their expressions a blend of mischief and anticipation, hinting at a plan already set in motion.

Mr. Harris strides to the front of the class, his gaze sweeping over the students. "Einstein once said 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe.' I myself have encountered infinite stupidity..." His voice trails off as he pauses next to Stiles' desk, patting the boy's back with a patronizing gesture. A ripple of awkward laughter trickles through the class, but it dies quickly under Mr. Harris's steely gaze.

As he announces the group experiments, the room buzzes with a mix of excitement and dread. Erica is called to the first station, drawing the eager attention of almost every student. "Erica, you'll start with Mr. Martin." Allison's face tightens, a mix of unease and protectiveness flashing in her eyes as Erica smiles, clearly pleased with the pairing.

The clinking of glass and metallic instruments soon fills the room as students dive into their experiments. Cody, focused on his task, keeps a watchful eye on Erica. "What are you going to do to her?" he asks, his voice calm but laced with concern. Erica's only response is a low chuckle, unsettling in its ambiguity. Cody persists, trying a different approach, but Erica moves closer, her presence almost suffocating.

Cody backs away, a clear discomfort etched on his face, but Erica is relentless. Her hand finds its way to his thigh, sparking a visible reaction from him. He laughs, a sound more nervous than amused, as he tries to deflect her advances.

Meanwhile, Lydia's sharp gaze is fixated on the unfolding drama. She turns to Allison, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and mischief. "Never? You never get jealous?"

Allison's response is measured, but her eyes betray a storm of emotions as they flicker towards Erica's hand creeping up Cody's leg. "Why would I?" she asks.

"Because that thing over there, that requires some jealousy." Lydia's observation hangs in the air, almost a challenge. Allison's glance lingers on the scene for a moment before she looks away, a clear internal struggle playing out behind her eyes.

It's only when Allison averts her gaze that Cody firmly removes Erica's hand from his leg, his voice steady but tinged with frustration. "You're not my type."

"I'm exactly your type." She seethes, grabbing him by his collar as her eyes glow yellow. Harris hits the bell on his desk before the students switch again.

As the next lab stations are announced, the students shuffle into their new pairings: Allison and Erica, Stiles and Scott, Cody with an unfamiliar classmate, and Lydia with Isaac.

Stiles and Scott exchange a look of concern as Isaac settles next to Lydia. Neither of them knows how to react appropriately. Stiles starts to move, perhaps to intervene, but he's abruptly stopped by the sharp crack of Mr. Harris's wooden pointer smacking down on the lab table. "If you want to test my patience, Mr. Stilinski, I guarantee it will be a failing grade," Harris declares with a stern glare.

As Stiles reluctantly backs off, tension simmers at the station behind them. Allison confronts Erica, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "What are you going to do to her?"

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