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Classes. Oh how I dread these horrid chambers of knowledge. I can't stand the aggravating equations and dead people. Why learn about dead people? It's as if they died to plague the living daylights out of the living with their tales of victory, and loss, and their inevitable heroic demise. What fun. In contrast, little miss books over there is having the time of her life watching her father go on and on about lives that have ended heroically in one's perspective. In my perspective, you might ask?? They died because of mindless stupidity in battle. Though as you may notice I have quite the vocabulary, I only make my elegant way with words a priority to outstrip others in categories of negotiation and to always rise victorious from a conversation by confusing the opponent. Needless to say, I've become quite astounding at this particular skill. If only I could talk my way out of history lessons.

I'm especially eager for after this lesson when Evangalene's father takes us to the sword fighting arena. I find battling my friends thrilling. With the cold metal of the properly weighted piece of art in my hands, I'm unstoppable. I take pride in my sword. It has a thin long blade with the sharpest edge in the land. The handle is encrusted with sapphires and emeralds to compliment my eyes. Engraved down the shaft is the word "Adelade". It's simply exquisite.

By the time Evangeline and Nessa arrive I've already removed my sword from its sheath.

"You sure ran out of class fast." Nessa said with her arms crossed.

"Sorry" I replied absent-mindedly.

Ev ran in at the last minute and said, "Come on let's get this over with I've got places to be."

Nessa and I rolled our eyes in unison.

Roden came in and said some things I wasn't paying attention to, and then we began my favorite part of the day. Out of his speech, all I heard was my name. I proceeded over the pony wall and into the arena. The worn wooden floor had scratches and scuffs from previous battles. Tracing back at least 30 years. There was even the occasional small patch of dried blood.

I stared her dead in the eye. She cracked a smile. I lunged forward at full speed, but she was expecting it. She blocked the attack but not quick enough and I came back with vengeance. I struck her side with the blunt end of my sword. She winced and stuttered backwards. I thought I had this win in the bag, but I presumed too early. She ever so slightly nicked the soft spot on the inside of my elbow. It bled hastily, and boy did it hurt. I fell back, staring her in the eye as if to say

"Why did you do that"

She clearly read my expression and pulled me up. I instinctively raised my injured arm, pulling it back instantly. Even though it pained me to convey weakness to an opponent, my arm pained me more.

"Lucky shot," I replied in retaliation.

"Just keep telling yourself that" Evangeline said laughing.

Next, it was me against Nessa. I would obviously win but I knew she'd at least put up a fight. I took my stance, and we began. She attempted to twirl her sword with flourish at my shins but I blocked, out flourishing her swing. I swung in retaliation but she ducked just in time. Thank God. I hate it when I get even somewhat close to decapitating my friends. From below she aims for my ankles, just to be blocked by me yet again. I let her stand and give her a few seconds to re-situate. I end the match by coming straight down with minimal force on her shoulder. I see the blood and I instantly feel remorse. Roden declared my victory and we shook hands.

Roden beckoned Ev down to the middle of the arena and challenged her. Almost instantaneously she was lying flat on the ground, the tip of her fathers sword to her neck. He set the sword aside and bent down to offer his hand.

"Think twice before bragging next time" he said sternly but then smiled and helped her up. She nodded in agreement.

He told us to continue practicing so me and Evangeline decided to duel. We raised our swords. Since she beat me previously, I brought my sword down with vengeance. With the extra determination and incentive, I effortlessly procured the battle. 

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