The Long Awaited Ball

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The ball was set up beautifully. The sage green decor surrounded me from all directions. I look to my left. Silas is staring at me. The eye contact broke instantaneously, as I turned and tucked a curl behind my ear. I cleared my throat as questions swam through my head. Why was he staring at me? Was that a smirk or was he embarrassed? All I was certain of was that I needed some fresh air. I spotted the nearest balcony and darted through the crowd in that direction, thankfully the opposite than Silas'. I clenched the cold stone rail and took a deep breath.  I took in the trees and the cold breeze. There was a small pond below, along with a small clearing in the trees, and —wait— Evangeline? And Walker! But, there were others as well. A small man with what looked to be a dog, and a few other armed men. Of course. Evangeline and Walker had canvas sacks over their heads. Unfortunately, the closest person to me that could help was Silas. I darted yet again through the crowd. When he saw me approaching, he smiled, obviously expecting anything but for me to blurt:
"Someone's taken Evangeline and Walker."
A look of shock on his face, he quickly replied: "I- I'll get roden"
I nodded and made off in the other direction.
I ran, at first not knowing where I was headed, but spotting Nessa and Tyler moments later. I changed courses towards them instinctively. They were mid conversation when they spotted me. I hated to break up their moment, but this was urgent.
I panted and managed to get out a few words.
"Nessa!" I breathed. "Ev and Walker just got taken!"

"Why didn't you get Roden?" She exclaimed, her eyebrows rising in surprise.

"Silas is getting Roden," I said matter of factly.

"Why were you with Silas?" She questioned.

"Not important," I sighed. "But this problem kind of is."

She looked over  to Tyler.
"I'm sorry. I'll talk to you later. I have to go!"
She looked sorry, and for a moment I felt extremely bad for her, but we could worry about this when we were sure everyone was safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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